Monday, September 24, 2018

"Good Night, Moon"

Full moon

13.7 day old moon

98.6 percent lit

September 23, 2018
By Len Melisurgo

The September 2018 (click here) full moon, commonly known by the nickname “harvest moon” because of the harvest season for corn and other crops, will be glowing in the night sky on Monday, Sept. 24, just two days after the official start of fall, when the autumn equinox occurred....
...However, as the astronomy website notes: “These autumn full moons do have special characteristics, related to the time of the moonrise. Nature is particularly cooperative in giving us full-looking moons near the horizon after sunset, for several evenings in a row, around the time of the harvest moon.”
The September harvest moon will start to rise in the eastern sky at about 7 p.m. Monday in New York City, but it won’t be officially at its fullest phase until 10:53 p.m. that night. Regardless, the moon will look almost completely full as it is rising.
Assuming skies are clear, the moon should also look big and bright as it moves across the sky on Sunday night and when it sets on Monday morning, then again on Tuesday morning as it sets and Tuesday night as it rises....