Wednesday, October 28, 2015

This should be interesting, a neurosurgeon economist.

Donald Trump should know Ben Carson has simply assimilated Trumps message into a 'soft spoken tone.' So this should be an interesting debate. Hopefully the record can be set straight.

That is Ben Carson, by the way. Since the beginning of his candidacy he has done little else by wandering among right wing popularity and assimilating the message to his particular delivery style.

For Ben Carson, Donald Trump has been a great mentor. 

October 28, 2015
By Rebecca Shabad

Tensions (click here) between Ben Carson and Donald Trump will be on full display Wednesday night at the third GOP presidential debate where issues like the economy, jobs and taxes will be the center of attention.
At 8 p.m. ET, the top tier of Republican candidates will face off on CNBC. They are Trump, Carson, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Mike Huckabee.
CNBC says the moderators -- Carl Quintanilla, Becky Quick and John Harwood -- are planning to ask contenders about Americans' financial freedom, the health of the economy as well as jobs, taxes and the deficit.... 

Ben Carson on Abortion has been an evolution: 

Ban abortion more than 20 weeks after fertilization. (May 20) (click here)
No abortion for convenience. (Jan 2014)  

I love that one. Pregnancy is an inconvenience that has to change. Amazing. Let's see, "I was drunk and went to bed with an unknown tool and now I'm pregnant." Oh, yeah, it is all about convenience. There is also a strong socioeconomic correlation to abortion. Poor women seek it out more often than any other economic group of women who do not have equal wages with men doing the same job.

'The thought of abortion for convenience is repugnant. (Jan 2014)
Persuaded mother of hydrocephalic baby to cancel abortion. (Jan 2012) 

Oh, yeah it is all about the inconvenience of pregnancy.

It isn't about inconvenience, it is about lifestyle and all too frequently teen pregnancy. Abortion is important for women, it has to stay that way. Women also need contraception.

These are Carson's economic genius.

Let the economy work the way it's supposed to. (Jan 2014) 
The free market works. (Jan 2014) 

Standard Republican dialogue.

1990s deregulation paved way for 2008 economic meltdown. (Jan 2012) 

Evidently, Carson believed the regulation destroyed by Congress caused 2008 global economic collapse. Interesting.

Cut every agency spending by 10%, with no exceptions. (Jan 2012) (The Sequester)

Tithing teaches about not hoarding as capitalist greed. (Jan 2012)

What the heck? Tithing to churches teaches the moral use of money? Wow. A profound lesson to Wall Street.
Highest corporate tax rate causes highest national debt. (Jan 2012) 

Carson disagrees with Warren Buffet. It is biblical. God is a capitalist. It must be expensive to run heaven.

Is it acceptable to pause tithing in tough financial times? (click here)

The Bible does not mention anything about "pausing" tithing. Neither does it say that we will go to Hell if we do not tithe.
The tithe, which is a scriptural mandate, was not instituted for God's benefit because He already has all the money He needs. He does not need our money.
So why does He ask us to give 10% to Him? Tithing was created for our benefit. It is to teach us how to keep God first in our lives and how to be unselfish people. Unselfish people make better husbands, wives, friends, relatives, employees and employers. God is trying to teach us how to prosper over time.
Many people have observed that after they stopped tithing, their finances seemed to get worse. In the Book of Malachi, God promises that if you do not rob Him of your tithing, He will rebuke your devourers and protect you....

On children and families
I'm a pediatrician and concerned about children's future. (Sep 2015) 

That is not a policy. That statement stops discussion. Someone Carson sees himself as an omnipotent god without reproach. This statement requires a mind reader.