Wednesday, September 07, 2011

"Maria" manifest very close to where "Katia" began and changes the storm dynamics of Katia.

September 7, 2011
UNISYS Water Vaport GOES East Satellite (click title for 12 hour loop - thank you)


33     26.50    -65.10 09/06/09Z  110   950 HURRICANE-3
34     27.00    -65.90 09/06/15Z  105   954 HURRICANE-3
34A  27.30    -66.40 09/06/18Z  100   963 HURRICANE-3
35    27.60    -66.70 09/06/21Z   90   963 HURRICANE-2

1    11.80  -37.00 09/06/21Z   30  1008 TROPICAL DEPRESSION

There is every indication Katia will be another near shore storm followed by Maria.  The turbulence in the Gulf of Mexico will never make Texas.

This week's Drought Monitor seems delayed. Perhaps due to the holiday.  But, maybe some 'lame Republican' in the House has done something stupid because they actually have coveted the US Drought Monitor as a political threat.

Ah, yes, the devil is in the details.  The GOP needs to simply sell their constituents the idea that what they are seeing is not really there.  Both the Republican politician and their constituent are good at that.  

Lee may have inched the humidity index a small bit over east Texas.  As Lee swung NNW like it actually did and came closer to Texas the storm was diminished in velocity and why it never really took a lower central pressure.  As "Lee" hovered over East Texas the water vapor disspated / evaporated.  That is a good thing.  But, Texas's land and air are very, very dry and very hot so that when these storms come inland near or over Texas it will diminish in its capacity to actually deliver any substantial water to the land.  That is kinda good, because a torrential rain over Texas right now would be a bad thing.

In order for Texas to get back to 'normal' it would require a lot more than one hurricane to do it.  Most of the rainfall numbers along the east coast are still low as an overall rainfall compared to years when drought didn't exist.