Saturday, September 20, 2008

From Arbusto to sinking the USA Economy. Those that knew warned everyone !

The Emperor has New Clothes, provided by Dick Cheney. I mean the illustration is exactly correct. Bush became President without a clue as to how to conduct the best interests of the USA and was served up priority by Cheney, now as Veep in trouble with Halliburton. There we were as a nation, off to the races with a false economy. Bushes can only be one term Presidents. They have no clue, absolutely no clue and they continue to play the Old Republican 'Scandal' of priorities.

No Taxes to provide economic development.

Since when ?

Without taxes this 'go round' who will bail out the Bush mess this time.

Silverado wasn't even close to being this much of a mess. At least the Bushes had the FDIC to wipe out before it hit the tax structure. I mean who is kidding who here? Republicans are elected to as Carpetbaggers to the Federal Treasury.


“George W. Bush founded an oil company, a drilling company, out in west Texas called Arbusto, which was very good at drilling dry holes.”