Saturday, June 02, 2007

What does a talented person do with an employment check?

Unemployment Insurance Marks 70 Years Of Helping The Unemployed (click here)

Okay, so one person receiving unemployment benefits cannot change her/his world, but, what if there were ten people unemployed/underemployed. Ten talented people with an idea to build housing while creating jobs. Store fronts even. How about an entire village? Can it be done? You betcha. Quite literally, a bricklayer, architect, electrician, dry wall hanger, etc. Are you getting the picture? A community of people engaged in Community Development Corporations that retake their country by building affordable communities.

How do Americans with little vision as to what to do actually take back their country out of the hands of carpetbagger corporations that robbed our treasury, children of their futures, jobs, lives of dignity and peace and properity?


They organize. They create coalitions and elect people into office at the very localist of levels that can make it happen.

That's how. It's called city planning and today Providence, Rhode Island is a burgeoning city of promise, beauty and function. The intricacies in revitalizing the neighborhoods of Providence were CDCs and people that found purpose in bringing a city back to life.