Sunday, March 17, 2019

Russia Welcomes Afrikaners: 15000 Boers Plan To Move To Russia From Sout.(click here for journal article regarding Russian diaspora )

June 28, 2006

By Claire Bigg

When Lira Goldman (click here) heard about the repatriation scheme, she was thrilled. For the first time, they've thought about their citizens, even former citizens, because Russia has never cared for people." -- Lira

Lira, a 29-year-old Russian Jew, left Russia in 1999 for Jerusalem, where she now works in a jewelry shop. She is happy in Israel and has no intention of returning to Russia, but she says she would nonetheless like to keep this option open -- that's why she welcomes the repatriation plan.

"Actually, it's a beautiful step. For the first time, they've thought about their citizens, even former citizens, because Russia has never cared for people," she says....