Monday, February 07, 2005

Evolution is not a popularity contest !


Design for Living

... you aren't going to find a solid basis for this 'hypothesis' because it's already been proven wrong by Darwin and Wallace among countless others since then.

When there is 'scientific basis' for this mess, let me know, otherwise can we stop looking for God to be ON OUR SIDE to defeat al Qaeda and reverse Human Induced Global Warming.

You know, the Intelligent Design Workshops of Liberty University need to reflect on the fact God tried once before to get across the point Human Beings, percisely MAN was on his own after he ATE THE 'Eden Apple.'

You know what I mean?

I have no patience for this mess.

The schools need to be told they will lose funding for teaching 'empty science.'

May I have the envelope please and the Null Hypothesis Winner is....