Tuesday, April 28, 2020

NASA has a sterilization unit. The White Room was a sterile room so germs didn’t go into space. This is not new technology. The implications of that is huge. The only thing it can’t sterilize is a person that is a a carrier. For that reason the testing and mitigation still has to go forward.

COVID-19 test needs to be required for a marriage license.

Attorney General Barr is propagating SARS-CoV-2 by restricting states and cities from protecting their citizens. Currently, Greensboro, North Carolina is providing free masks to use by their citizens. Greensboro is doing it in expectations of their use. Wearing a mask in public is illegal in N.C. The state legislators only convene twice a year. They are expected to change that regulation to accommodate the current virus emergency. North Carolina is not enforcing the very silly law at this time. I don’t know a wintertime that doesn’t demand a scarf or face covering with cold temperatures. It is a silly law.

Bill Barr does not have jurisdiction over a national HEALTH emergency. He is trying to assault the states with basically quarantine orders entitled “Stay at Home.” Any state or local health department is operating within their authority to carry out quarantines no matter what they are called.

BEST PRACTICES are required by state or city governments. Barr is CYAing his with Trump. If he wants to enforce a parking ticket, Barr can still do that as a hero among the streets and people in quarantine.

People could be making decisions about the future in the state of depression and/or in expectations of defeat of control of the future due to SARS-CoV-2. Both are unhealthy ways of thinking about the future. It has been months and not years the USA has been coping with this virus. Everyday there is more and more hope that the future is being returned to the people. We now have NASA’s sterilization unit and Rutgers’ RELIABLE testing. Those are huge. Tomorrow is still ours.