Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Continued from previous entry.

Why would any Republican disparage the Special Counsel report? Money and lots of it. After all, money is a citizen, isn't it?

I have to address the idiocy surrounding the "Citizen's United" decision. When looking to election reform, the real enemy is not alone the CORPORATIONS in the traditional sense. The real enemy to the USA elections that allows entities like Russia to infiltrate our country and our election OUTCOMES are the Family Corporations without an IPO that develop 401(c)4s otherwise known as PACs. Those PACS then distribute billions upon billions into the election process through media propaganda. NOW, we are seeing the DANGEROUS result of that election financing paradigm.

Family corporations, like the Kochs, Waltons, Trumps and others that found their wealth through the exploitation of natural resources and "cheap purchase outlets" undermined not only our democracy for their own purpose, but, undermined the local economies across this country and they are still at it, including, Trump and his tax policy.


At the same time that the IRA operation began to focus ·on supporting candidate Trump in early 2016, the Russian government employed a second form of interference: cyber intrusions (hacking) and releases of hacked materials damaging to the Clinton Campaign. The Russian intelligence service known as the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Army (GRU) carried out these operations.

Got that? There was a conspiracy FOUND that linked the IRA and the Russian government regardless of the oligarch funding. Where there is a Russian oligarch, there is Russia. There is no doubt in that.

When Trump says he wants to do things with Russia, he is a fool. He will always be under Russian influence.

The "Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Army (GRU) and the IRA are conspirators to the same end OUTCOME in the USA through the electoral process.

Why did President Obama sign off on sanctions in his administration and never backed down from it? Because he knew what the intelligence agencies were finding in addition to the invasion of Ukraine.

Would it be interesting if the USA denied NATO and Russia could invade Ukraine without another major power to oppose it? Not only did Obama know, but, I believe it was James Clapper that came out during the election of 2016, long before Comey did, and stated they were finding this influence. As Clapper stated, by that time the influence within social media was so dense the intelligence agencies' words were not alarming. The intelligence agencies warning WERE DROWNED OUT of any influence with the people themselves. Does anyone think James Clapper would speak to the American people about this without the direction of President Obama? GET THE DIRT OF 2016 AND THE RUSSIANS OUT OF YOUR HEADS ALREADY! To continue the OLD DIALOG from 2016 is to further the Russian cause.

In March 2016, the GRU began hacking the email accounts of Clinton Campaign volunteers and employees, including campaign chairman John Podesta. In April 2016, the GRU hacked into the computer networks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The GRU stole hundreds of thousands of documents from the compromised email accounts and networks. Around the time that the DNC announced in mid-June 2016 the Russian government's role in hacking its network, the GRU began disseminating stolen materials through the fictitious online personas "DCLeaks" and "Guccifer 2.0." The GRU later released additional materials through the organization WikiLeaks.

No one's words were heard. The DNC told the American people about the CRIME of Russia in regard to the hacked sites. Those effected by Russian influence did not hear the words of warning, they only heard and cared about THE SCANDAL. The American people were already lost to the influence of the IRA and the GRU.

Trump himself plugged into THE SCANDAL or as he would say it, "The inner heart." Emails and Clinton from the point of the time of the Server Scandal came back to haunt the DNC and the Clinton Campaign and the judgment of her as a national security risk stuck while the Russians relished the moment.

Emails are a soft target with Americans and I imagine that is the same with most Western countries. I think India faces that as well. Countries that deeply value freedom of speech are going to run into the phenomena found by the Special Counsel investigation. if the people value their democracy and freedom they will seek the action of legislators to end this FOREIGN influence and the money that comes with it. That may be possible in many Western countries because their politicians MAY NOT BE HOOKED on big money politics. That is what facilitated the corruption of the election of 2016. Russia was able to pour a lot of money into propaganda GENERATED BY USA AGENCIES, like the NRA. The more money they received the more they could saturate the media with their message of fear. 

Understand this, the message of the NRA is based in fear. Many members that are the loudest bull horn for the NRA fear the power of government and believe the USA government would overrun the American people, their economy and freedom if the NRA was not standing the line to keep "Gun Sympathetic" politicians in office. If the Supreme Court ever bothered to realize how much their decision of "Citizens' United" allowed Russian influence, they might even change their ruling. I would hope. If political corruption is at work with any member of the Supreme Court in a way that allows such corruption, then Russia's plans for the USA are endless and we are burdened with such propaganda until laws prohibit it.

continued in next entry.