Friday, October 14, 2011

#Occupy Wall Street offers 24/7 vigil for their message of hope.

In a still photo it sure looks like his leg was stuck, but in real-time, the chaotic scene is harder to make out.

Encounters with police are still occurring when the message of this movement is clear.  Non-violence, end the wars, return the USA to its luster and empower this generation of Americas to achieve the American Dream.

Did the Mayor and Police lie about the so called 'threat' against the owners of the park?  It would seem to be the case.  After the citizens in the park were told they would be allowed to stay there was some people that left to return to their 'day jobs.'  When that occurred the police felt more than comfortable moving in on the remaining crowd.  Is there no reputable authority in New York City Hall?.

...Protesters were already scrambling (click here) to scrub the park where they’ve been sleeping and eating for weeks when, under pressure from local officials, the owners of the park decided to call off their own cleanup....

I would not call it scrambling to 'CLEANSE THE PARK,' as the movement has been organizing working groups to address issues of trash in the area.  I believe the continued insinuations by the City and the Park owners that these citizens are not responsible is igniting more and more negative attention to the police presence.  

The #Occupy Wall Street has a message.  They have organized in General Assemblies that no one other than those in the park care to notice.  These citizens are not thugs and they are not bums as they are being characterized by people that are supposed to be responsible for their language.

With people milling about and occasionally finding themselves in the street as they come to support the effort when they are threatened with eviction; it would seem as though police are simply ready to 'Give them a reason."  This is not about obstructing justice, this is about having it work for those that cannot find it in this society today.

The more control the city tries to exert rather than empowering their message the more chance this will become a scene the country is not going to find comfortable to explain.  The police need to realize they are not dealing with a criminal element, they are watching democracy and constitutional rights being displayed.  The "Occupy Wall Street message is very clear, they want justice.  They want the nation to receive justice for the trashing of the American Dream and being trapped in a life with no hope as they WORKED so hard to achieve to date.  Their lives have become disrespected and to continue to do the same will only result in more and more disrespect for those that seek to inflict more control 

Please don't do this.  Leave them alone.  They are solving their own problems in the area.  They are not vermin the city can simply CLEANSE from a park.  

Enough.  They are seeking a voice and the city needs to respect that fact.