Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Insufficient Funds"

I could not stop laughing when I returned home after an errand and my mother called.  At one point she asked me if I was alright.

My mother stated in an urgently angry voice, "Hey, there is this guy that owns the Republican Party."

I said, "There is?"

She said, "Yeah, he is a son of a bitch."

I said, "Do you want to tell me who bought the Republican Party or should I guess it is Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers?"

She said, "Who?"

I said, "Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers."

She said, "No, no that isn't his name."

I said, "Should I turn the news on right now and find our or is this something your pinochle club discovered?"

TRUE STORY.  I would never lie about my mother.

She stated, "No, this is something I heard on the television about a man that makes the Republicans sign a pledge not to raise taxes and they do it!:"

I asked her if the name was Grover Norquist.  She said, "That's the guy.  He is such a son of a bitch."

I asked, "Ma. Why is he such a son of a bitch?  What did he do wrong?" 

She was still very aggitated and said, "What did he do wrong?  He is blackmailing all the Republicans in the House and Senate.  And if the constituents of these Republicans didn't know they were voting for a 'sanctioned' Republican, then they have a right to repeal their representative.  I mean these Republicans are breaking their oath of office even if their constituents did know they signed this pledge."

I said, "Ya know, Mom, I think you have something there.  They take an oath to uphold the Constitution and not the Norquist Pledge."

She said, "I think I want to start an organization to stop these people from blackmailing Republicans.  I mean people have to know.  Right?"

My mother is 76 years old and one of the most wonderful women I know.  She worked a job for thirty years of her life and fought my father every step of the way when he told her she was never to start a job.  She pushed him to buy houses we lived in.  When they retired it was in comfort for the pension they both had besides their social security.  She is amazing.  When she sets her mind to something she always achieves her goals.  At her advanced age she is going to need help in achieving this goal, so we'll have to see about all that.

But, she honestly never heard of Gover Norquist and she was absolutely in distress when she realized what was occurring in Washington, DC.  She immediately thought President Obama was a saint for having to deal with wayward Republicans that were not doing what needed to be done for the country.  

This is true story. 

I told her we would go to dinner to talk some more and we went to a lovely little bistro where the food is out of this world.  All she could do was to talk about her worry for the USA, for the future of the country,  for the burden the President has including the wars and Mideast unrest, the increasing price of oil that she believed was an international crime of speculators.  She is very bright woman and at one time she and my father were involved in the local Democratic Club when they lived in New Jersey.  She supported every local office my father participated in and never wavered in her love of this country.

For my mother to be this alarmed, there had to be something so profoundly wrong, I said to her,"You know, Mom, so many people know about this pledge and it has been around for a long time, but hearing it from you was more refreshing then you know."  

She is a sweet heart and I believe she is more correct about this pledge signing by the Republicans than anyone else I have ever heard speak about it.  The Republicans should be threatened with impeachment for abandoning their oath of office and their loyalty to the USA and the US Constitution.
