Wednesday, June 01, 2011

"Medicare Advantage" (The PRIVATE Medicare) is running scared. (Link to 'Regular' Medicare - click at this title)

To begin, IS PRESIDENT OBAMA LYING about waste, fraud and abuse in private health insurance?

NO !!!!!!!  BY their own admission they know they are guilty.

That is just to begin.

Medicare Advantage Compliance Symposium
July 11, 2011 - July 12, 2011 | Arlington, VA

Health care fraud costs an estimated 68 billion dollars annually, (click here) and in many cases health plans are left to pick up the tab. Health plans must bolster their arsenal of strategies to avoid investigation and battle corruption. Join leaders from health plans, provider groups, regulatory bodies and law firms at this as they discuss such key topics as: the development of Fraud Waste and Abuse offices and programming, insight on Utilization Management and Encounter Data, ICD-10, Audit and Investigation Response, and case studies on topics ranging from Trends in Fraud, to management of Special Investigations, to comprehensive Compliance Planning.


Wellcare (From their own website - click here)They ask at this website, "Looking for a BETTER MEDICARE plan?  If consumers actually looked at the prosecutions by the Security and Exchange Commision and the USA Attorney General's Office at the bottom of that website, they would see this.

(a) to employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud;
(b) to make any untrue statement of a material fact or to omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; or
(c) to engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person....

Why would anyone WANT to be affiliated with this health care organization?

If I may?

Wellcare is an huge organization that can easily be characterized as "Too Big Too Fail."  It conspired through former officers and employees of the organization to 'take the consumer' for OVER $40 Billion starting in 2002.

The year the fraud began was 2002 (click here for document). 

That means for seven long years, NO ONE bothered to prosecute this WALL STREET COMPANY.  No one until President Obama came in to office and began to LOOK FOR  and find waste, fraud and abuse.  Now, if Republicans want to say funding "Medicare Advantage" is a good thing when they don't even bother to police it, then they need to come up with a better strategy because this OUTRAGEOUS.

"Wellcare" is a corporate entity.  "Medicare Advantage" is a corporate entity.  Neither of these ? organizations ? (more like racketeers) are government in any way shape or form, EXCEPT, they receive government monies from the American Taxpayer through the USA Treasury. 

Got that?  Wall Street firms EXISTING to defraud the USA Treasury.


Now, what if Medicare, the REGULAR Medicare administered by the USA government, were to completely end.  Instead people would be provided a voucher to purchase PRIVATE health care from these scoundrels?  What would happen?  Now, realize, the monies these 'entities' are receiving is still coming from the USA Treasury.  What would happen?  Too big to fail, but, not too big for fraud.  What would happen?

Yes, they would receive a bailout JUST LIKE WALL STREET did in 2008, but, there is something far worse than that.  What is it?  Because it happened in 2008 with Paulson and his cohorts.  What happened other than the bailout and the abandonment of the USA's economy?  There was something more, far more important, that happened that was more important to realize than that?  What was it?


Paulson and his cohorts impunged the laws of the USA and called into question its sovereignty in favor of corporate domination of all that transpired in regard to their industry.

"Wellcare" and abusive practices of "Medicare Advantage" are now under the control of 'the law' to a certain extent, but, not to the extent they need to be.  It is why the Financial Reforms by the Obama Administration and the Consumer Protection Agency have become NECESSARY and VITAL.  They PRESERVE the sovereignty of the USA over and above the 'Too Big Too Fail" domination of Wall Street and Corporate America.  The USA in the case with "Wellcare" STILL has the ability to prosecute law breakers and send them to prision and levy fines.  When that changes and Medicare is completely privatized that will end and all that will be available to Americans is FUNDING the bailouts to the companies they pledge allegence and THIS TIME for their health care.

OH, no, no, no, no.  I don't think so.

The ONLY place private industry should be allowed to practive is in offering Medicare Supplemental insurance for a monthly fee.  In no way, should private industry ever control 'the care' Americans receive to the quality or the quantity that will impact the longevity of an entire country.  Placing the well being of Americans in the hands of Wall Street has caused deaths across this nation when it never should have happened.  It has to stop.  When we allow people to be 'a commodity' rather than a citizen we lose our integrity as a nation and a people. 

The Republicans are going to have to come up with something BETTER than they have got now which is ALL RHETORICAL and IRRELIVANT.

I want us to take our country back from WALL STREET and corrupted and corruptable politicians.  Let's do that in 2010. 

"Oh, yes we can."