Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Flint, Michigan

This can found here (click here). The Governor's office can begin this process immediately. 

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A critical statement in the act established the philosophy of the nation’s disaster response and recovery program. Federal disaster assistance would “supplement the efforts and available resources of the State and local governments.” In other words, the act made it clear that the Federal government would not function as the first-line provider of emergency assistance and disaster response and recovery. It would support State and local governments—not supplant them. To further underline this philosophy, the act required that Federal assistance be supplied when, and only when, State and local governments had themselves committed “a reasonable amount of the funds” needed.

Hillary Clinton mentioned Michigan had a substantial rainy day fund that could be tapped for the needs of Flint including the rehabilitation of the city's water pipes. 

The federal government acts in support of the state, that is why President Obama also stated the monies involved don't reach the category of a disaster classification.

The people are scared in a completely understandable way. It isn't that they can't pull themselves up by the boot straps and go forward; but; sometimes there are circumstances so beyond the ability of the human spirit to cope it seems like too much to ask. 

The people of Flint need help. They need counseling. They need a water plan. They need to rebuild the infrastructure of their city.  

A year of trusting government that the water supply is okay is a very long time and then only to find out the people were right and the government was wrong. It is the federal responsibility to set people back on their feet. That is what Flint needs. They don't need a lawsuit to prove their point. They aren't interested in a fight. They don't want to abandon their city because it is too far gone. This is their home. 

Flint has no healthy water to drink or bath. That is a federal disaster. I am quite sure replacing the water system with one that is updated, current and safe falls into the federal guidelines. It is a huge expense and the need is now.

President Obama should at least see it for himself, meet some of the people effected by this and then make a decision. But, the people of Flint, Michigan trust President Obama and it may be that he is the only one they do trust right now. It would be very reassuring to them, that he is on their side and understands and won't let anything happen again. 

President Obama should consider a visit to Flint, Michigan.