Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It is difficult to pump the FBI for political fodder.

September 11, 2015
By Michael S. Schmidt
Washington — The Justice Department (click here) said in a court filing this week that Hillary Rodham Clinton had the authority to delete emails that she did not believe were government records from the personal account that she exclusively used while secretary of state.The statement was made in connection with a lawsuit brought by the conservative group Judicial Watch. The group is seeking to force the government to search the server that housed Mrs. Clinton’s account for messages related to a video ad the State Department aired in Pakistan. Judicial Watch contends the ad was an apology for the Internet video that the administration initially blamed for inciting the 2012 attacks on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya....

November 17, 2015
By Aaron Kleigman
Attorney General Loretta Lynch (click here) told the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday that President Obama’s comments on the ongoing FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails and other legal matters have no influence on how the Department of Justice operates....
“The president stated on Super Bowl Sunday that there was not ‘even a smidgen of corruption at the IRS.’ At the end of that investigation, no charges were filed. Two weeks ago, the president stated with respect to Secretary Clinton’s emails, ‘this is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.’ Should we expect that when the FBI finishes its investigation of this matter that no charges will be filed? Does the department allow statements by the president to dictate its investigative practices?”...