Tuesday, January 19, 2016

150 events in Iowa. Wow.

Governor Huckabee is a very ambitious man. He wants to win. He said something very interesting though. He understands why Governor Branstad endorsed Donald Trump. According to Governor Huckabee Iowa farmers like the income they receive with ethanol in production. 

That is a man that actually cares about the people and dismisses the ideology if it doesn't fit in the future of the people he speaks to. Governor Huckabee represents the Americans that attach their religion to their politics. But, he takes nothing for granted in simply showing up at activities and assume he has the correct ideology to make his election a sure thing. 

He comes to understand the people and their view of the world. That view includes the future of their children. He also stated it would be foolish to assume a president could simply do away with something like ethanol when it has been accepted by the people as a good product for the economy. 

There is only one thing with Governor Huckabee and others with his particular brand; he attaches his religion to the office. He should consider differently. The American people are not all Evangelicals. It is the country that will elect the president.