Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Hillary Clinton is not a clunker the American people are settling for. That is not a nice thing to say. I honestly believe I am seeing Hillary Clinton for the first time. She has been full of surprises.

Bernie Sanders is not a salesman with an expired product named socialism. Bernie Sanders is a very smart man. He wasn't taking his candidacy seriously until the people appealed to him to run.

Bernie is running a campaign to die for. He said to his supporters, "Okay, I'll run but you have to get out the vote." Every one of his meetings has increased in attendance from the meeting before. He is so confident of his methodology of anti-corruption in campaigns he isn't taking donations from big money donors. That is extremely attractive to many voters.

It is also very attractive to Republicans when reflecting on Donald Trump and his loyalty to the people and their message. Basically, it is the same thing. Donald Trump accepts donations from the people but not big money donors. Same thing. 

The people feel respected, heard and empowered. Bernie and Donald have that in common.  

Here is something the Republican Party doesn't want to hear. If Bernie Sanders ran as the Democratic nominee, there would be no sabotage at the convention in a brokered methodolgoy; and he would win in November. 

Think about it.

Walmart did it to themselves. They moved into a town, built dozens of Walmart to push out other businesses and crashed the local economy. Americans learned their lesson 2008 and the local economy has become a premium focus. Walmart would never close out their express markets if it were making money. Americans are taking back their country and have since 2008.

The express markets don't employ that many people. On a national level of course, but, locally it won't even be felt at the unemployment office IF they are laid off to begin with.

The only people that get really upset about stores like Walmart is Wall Street.

Working at Walmart was poverty wages and their employees were accepting food stamps and Medicaid. That is NOT a viable company.

Pizza has nothing to do with ethics. Walmart is exactly the immorality of Wall Street. Where are all the teenage jobs in Walmart? Walmart didn't hire high school students exclusively. Don't run down an ally labeled "Teen Age Jobs" unless it actually is the truth.

January 14, 2016
By News Services of Florida

..."Today's USDA citrus crop forecast, (click here) even though unchanged, illustrates the dire state of Florida citrus," Putnam said in a prepared statement. "Without immediate and tangible support, citrus' place in Florida history might just become that — history."
The forecast remains the worst since the 1963-1964 season for the industry, which has been combating a decrease of farmland and deadly citrus diseases. Putnam has asked lawmakers to invest $8.5 million to research diseases that are impacting Florida's crops, like citrus greening.
He also has continued to push for the federal government to provide additional citrus disease research funding. Grapefruit production for the season has been downgraded from 11.5 million boxes in December to 10.8 million boxes in the January forecast.
Michael Sparks, chief executive at Lakeland-based Florida Citrus Mutual, the growers’ representative, echoed Putnam's concern.
“Although there is no change to the size of the orange crop we are still in an extremely challenging time,” Sparks said. “That’s why it’s important we continue to pursue important game-changing measures in both Tallahassee and Washington, D.C.”...

The Oscars
It is disappointing. I thought for sure after last year there would be more consideration for minorities in the choices this year. "Selma" was an exceptional picture and it received very little recognition.
I think of it as the Disney Effect. Every year there are nominations for short animation and without fail Disney's always wins. It is impossible for a studio with less collateral then Disney to compete but they try. There were really lovely nominations for short animation last year, but, the cute little puppy with a larger budget and studio craft won. 
The academy needs to take a look at itself. A film isn't necessarily brilliant or exceptional simply because they tickets sold goes through the roof the first weekend of it's release.
How are Americans suppose to expand their horizons if they are only fed the same thing without asking them to take on the challenge of new concepts, ideas and methodologies. But, then, maybe that is the way the Academy wants it.

January 19, 2016
By Levin Jordin

After a warm start to the season, (click here) winter is asserting itself, with a snowstorm that looks set to drop up to two feet of snow on the nation’s capital and the Northeast this weekend — with the tail of the storm bringing more seasonal chill to South Florida.
But the Miami area will get warmer before it gets colder, with temperatures heading back up to the low-70s Wednesday through Friday, then dipping into the low-50s by Sunday. The western Miami-Dade suburbs could see a shiver-inducing upper-40s early Sunday morning.
National Weather Service meteorologist Dan Gregoria said these winter temperature swings are standard for South Florida, which, like the rest of the nation, had an unusually warm December. The region got its first chill this past weekend, with temperatures dipping into the upper-50s....
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article55440660.html#storylink=cpy