Thursday, January 29, 2015

It is coercion.

When the Senate added an amendment to 'consult' with the Indian nations it is meant to intimidate their opposition to the pipeline.

Consulting means they do not have to have approval of the tribes to authorize the pipeline. The Senate today stated they intend to violate every treaty the USA has with the Indian nations. 

The Republicans want to manage the people of the USA and this is just an example of how power within government will break the will of any people. 

When TransCanada enters into mitigation with Indian nations it doesn't have to be nice. It will provide a platform for them to be heard and might make a minor change to appease them, but, ultimately with a Canadian company having absolute power over the land they can do what they want and don't have to cooperate at all.

What Senator Murkowski said, "...the Indian Nations will be bring about cooperation." What she didn't say is "They will cooperate whether they like it or not." 

Starting with Democratic Senator Bradley the Indian American nations were finally given attention to their complaints and the abuse of centuries by the USA government. A law was passed with the help of Democratic Senator Bradley. Under President Obama he has listened to their requests and have accommodated them within the law. Does anyone actually expect President Obama to sign a bill as Un-American as this one?

Providing land rights to a foreign country, even Canada, destroys property rights in the USA and sets precedent for more abuse in the future.