Monday, May 19, 2014

I am checking out a bit of a phenomena now that the cold winds of the Polar Vortex is tamed by the encroachment of summer... is the relationship between single women and their cars.

The entire phenomena came to visit me, I didn't go looking for it.

You are welcome to be a part of this observation in your own area.

Since Friday of last week I have repeatedly gone to the bayshore to check out the birds and any migration. The bays near us have been slow to spawn large amounts of fish. There may be a profound reason, but primarily because the ice and snow were covering the water so deeply and for an extended amount of time, the bate fish (little fish at the bottom of the food chain) are gone. Basically, they didn't survive the Polar Vortex. That may or may not have anything to do with women and cars, but, this is the issue.

While I have been surveying birds, and they are in far less numbers than I had expected. They are in far less species variety than I expected as well. They are primarily shorebirds and they dive for their food. So. There is a correlation between the species and the fish numbers. 

But, I really expect fishermen to be out on the bay catching dinner or whatever and on a rare occasion they'll actually have their wife or girlfriend. That is not my focus. What I am finding while doing my survey of birds is company. Women. Sitting along the waterfront. Alone. Sipping coffee or Smoothies or simply dangling their feet in the water.

During a day of up to three trips to the shoreline at the same place, without solicitation of any kind there is usually one other woman that joins me. They sometimes talk with me or simply sit a distance from me and enjoy the view. They sometimes walk along the shore or sit on the sand to read a book or simply breath the aire. They are peaceful and happy. They appear to be worry free. But, they also have a relationship with their car. They are relying on their cars to sustain their residence. 

They are primarily young women. Twenty somethings. They are not interested in boyfriends or being accompanied by men. One was an aged woman who still drives. They are rarely minority. They are primarily single, young caucasian women.

The USA has a problem. It is a male identity problem.

The best way I can illustrate what I am finding is to recall the bar scene in Silver Linings Playbook when Jennifer Lawrence is sitting at the bar before her dance competition and a man offers to buy her a drink. He states he is a lawyer, litigator. Lawrence states, "Oh, the arguing guy." 

Get over it, because there are beautiful, wholesome, happy women perfectly content to live life without any of you. And they do it from the safety of their car in order to find a way into their own definition of their lives.

Men's biggest complaint about women's liberation movement in the 1960s is that women don't need men. It was a hideous ideation to oppress women. Well, guess what? Women don't need men and it is the men's fault.

You want to know what occurred with American marriages? It's the men.

To quote Jennifer, "You are not a stand up guy."