Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Middle Class are perfect people. Absolutely perfect people.

They know the value of a dollar. They had to work for it. 

They save for the down payment for their car. 

They rejoice when they move into their first home.

They love life and each other. They carry life insurance, health insurance and save for their children's futures. They know more about fiscal equity than Wall Street does and appreciate it 100 times more.

They have a sense of themselves and know life is to live and not deny. Where their budgets provide for 'loose money' they dive into life and enjoy themselves. They endear moments with their neighbors and community and seek to be leaders in many instances. 

They know what sacrifice is and how to achieve goals that would normally be out of their reach. 

They send their children to defend their country and celebrate moments that tell veterans and widows their sacrifice was never nothing. 

They have built in resilience for when times are tough. They never were handed anything and understand how important it is to make it through the tough times. They live for the rainbows to come and make their own path to get there.

They pay their fair share of taxes and support education through property taxes while having a voice at the local school board. They run for office and enjoy leading the way for progress in their community.

They are absolutely magnificent. They are perfect. It is a shame to deprive any people in the world the pure pleasure of mastering life and being a master of their own universe.