Sunday, August 29, 2010

I think it is time for a Town Hall Meeting about the economy. Let's talk.

Obama said in an NBC interview that the batch of grim economic data over the past few weeks was something his administration had anticipated. (click title to entry - thank you)
Gloomy reports on gross domestic product and housing have raised fears the fragile economy could slip back into a recession or face a lengthy period of growth that is too slow to make much of a dent in the 9.5 percent unemployment rate.

"The economy is still growing, but it's not growing as fast as it needs to," Obama told NBC in the interview in New Orleans,...

..."We should be passing legislation that helps small businesses get credit, that eliminates capital gains taxes so that they have more incentive to invest right now," he said. "There are a whole host of measures we could take. No single element of which is a magic bullet."...

...Obama also faces constraints on his ability to act....

And the reason he is facing constraints to ACT is because of political hacks that obstruct every helpful form of legislation to come to the USA Senate !