Saturday, June 01, 2024

Anti-American Trump Voter

He plans on winning by promising tax cuts that will increase the national debt as before.

Then to further weaken the USA’s national defense, he will turn his back on Article Five of our treaty with NATO countries that don’t pay up.

Trump is Putin’s puppet and the assault he plans on NATO Article Five proves it.

Should Trump be elected there will be an all out assault against women’s rights. These people want to roll back voting rights to pre-revolutionary war 1775. Trump becomes King and the States will have reorganized borders under MAGA governors. There will be no more New York State.

Trump wants a communist country like Russia with governors that are private owners of land no different than Putin’s oligarchs. It is understandable that a billionaire would provide a lot of money to Trump and Kennedy to defeat Biden. Those winning billionaires are anticipating their own states bought and paid for to use at free will. 

It gives a whole new meaning to live free or die.