Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Gag Order for a former president.

It is astounding a gag order was ever needed of a former President of the United States of America. Trump more than realizes the power of the presidency, including how power can inspire people to act violently.

There was one other time in USA history when violently angry men attempted to INSPIRE violence. Iran’s holy men actually have their god to bring about the aspirations of violence against innocent people, but, the terrorists have to count on hitting an emotional tie with those so inclined to violence.

Donald John Trump is not a good person who seeks the presidency of this country for the right reasons. He wants power to improve his personal circumstances. He wants to be an autocrat that shuts down the government except where it pleases him. Giving Donald John Trump four more years to dismantle this democracy and replace it with fear and unending misery is unconscionable. Every person in this country will be adversely affected by the last presidency this country will ever see.

Donald John Trump knows how to inspire violence. He longs for the power to do it if no other reason but personal satisfaction in retribution to the witnesses of the truth necessary to bring a guilty verdict to a man that treats women as objects and not persons deserving respect.

A gag order was necessary to maintain the rule of law in the Trump case, does anyone believe this former president cares about our democracy that operates because of the rule of law? No one in this country should be willing to vote for such a monster.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Harbor Freight

One thing Democrats don’t do nearly enough of is how to beat inflation, like the folks at Harbor Freight. Like Kohl’s and Target offering their own form of currency with each purchase. I think Kohl’s is Kohl Dollars.

(Click here)

It is so popular it has its own Reddit page.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Containing radiation contamination in space.

(Click here)

Nature publications are among the best comprehensive information to scientists. Below is the current cover to “nature materials.” I have been reading this since it’s inception in 2002 (click here). I do not believe human beings are going to find a type of material that repels the solar wind. Please think about the feat of such an accomplishment. Is it realistic?

I know how important the space program is to Americans, so let me make a wild prediction of what I think will ultimately work. 

One question. Just one. 

What had Earth shown us as to what protects Earth from the solar wind?

Earth’s Magnetosphere (click here)

This is what protects all living beings on Earth. I think the space program has a long way to go, but, ultimately spacecraft will require a force field that performs the same functions as Earth. Someday long into the future there will be such a spaceship taking humans gently to new realities.


I would look to NASA and MIT to fulfill those visions of tomorrow.

Until then, we need Earth to be okay with us living on it.

Look, I think President Biden is a great president.

His concerns spans generations of Americans of all races and faiths and not just Wall Street. I think he is the man most perfect for this time in American history. He has been a trusted legislator for Delaware for decades of time. He came to the Executive Branch with President Obama as a great asset to the administration, even through the personal pain of the loss of his son Beau. 

I trust President Biden.

I think the only way the Republicans could come close to beating him was through fiction and a death by a 1000 cuts. I think they systematically attacked every aspect of decency, but, Joe came out on top anyway.

The people of this country need the steadfast leadership of President Biden. His Vice President could not be better. She was extremely successful in California with every office she filled. She was the state’s Attorney General for two terms before becoming the new Senator. There is no reason to ever doubt her ability or focus. 

As a country we simply can’t get better than President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and the Biden administration. We need these people right where they are. They deserve a second term. No nonsense and no lies. 

300 mph

(Click here)

The tornado that descended on Greenfield, Iowa had wind speeds to 300 mph. It tore homes off their foundations. It shredded everything in it’s path.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Second Opinion

I think the wife of a Prince and mother to his children has an absolute right and nearly an obligation to obtain a second opinion.

It is not to insult any aspect of the National Health Service of the UK, but, she and the king remarkably became ill almost simultaneously. An opinion from any major hospital linked to the NIH, like the Cleveland Clinic would bring cutting edge understanding to this beautiful and vital Princess.

The whole thing makes me worried for her and us. We could lose her. That is not allowed. Not for someone that cares deeply for her family and the people the monarchy serves.

It was about a decade ago…

…when a scientist from Goddard Space Labs came to speak to an audience from the UNCW physics department. A question was asked as to when people will be traveling interstellar. The answer was that it wasn’t possible to travel outside of Earth’s protective atmospheres for any extended period of time because of the high amounts of radiation in space.

Today, with a study that has been ongoing for most of the USA Space Program the frailty of the human body in the VOID of space is known. 

In order for such ambitions to be realized there has to be significant research on Earth with materials that can protect human life. Those materials have not yet been found.

No one like Musk should be provided the power to play with human life as he has done the human brain.

I suppose Musk can always build his own hero wall for all those that sacrificed their lives for the purpose of human space travel without a clear path forward or the practice ethics that won’t allow such sacrifice.

Plutocrats are drunk on power. Capitalism demands that those with the most talent receive the greatest prize. That is fine if one has created a cure for cancer. But, the real prize is humanity’s Nobel, not the wealth, slavery, or oppression of an entire segment of human society. 

The Plutocrats have no right to turn our democracy on its head.

(Click here) 

This is corruption plain and simple. It is all self-serving. Who is it so we can boycott them?

(Can’t Buy Me Love - click here)

I have no respect for Trump or his highly unethical donor. 

The New York prosecutor’s office is asking for an extension of the gag order for ongoing threats. ONGOING THREATS? Trump is a former president with no ethical or moral obligation to another human being’s life even after he has been judged. The gag order should be permanent.

Now Musk is dissing Melinda French Gates because she donated to Democrats. 

Musk just received an enormous amount, ridiculous amount of money from Tesla. Obviously, he didn’t donate to Democrats and now he is dissing Ms. Gates? Well, I wonder how much more money he will try to throw away on attempts to buy the presidency? 

Musk can’t be too happy ad a space camper as a recent study over a long period of time has found profound kidney impacts on astronauts with long stays in the ISS. There are problems to be solved before human space travel can go forward. This most recent study definitely causes the voyage to Mars as well as occupying Earth’s moon a reason to pause the programs. Human beings cannot be guinea pigs to benefit profits on Earth. 

There are other avenues of the use of space and negative gravity that the current Director Bill Nelson opened up with his own experience with the Columbia Mission STS-61C. There is plenty to say that is marvelously good about the Space Program, but, right now human space travel has hit a bump in the road and Musk is probably annoyed by that fact and he wants to buy power beyond what should be available to him.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of Donald Sutherland.

What a great family. He (click here) represents so much that is right with our values through his acting that it is hard to say good-bye.

The National Park Service needs to consider closing Glaciet National Park

(Click here)

I have been watching videos and reading reports about close encounters of the Grizzly kind and the NPS needs to reassess the necessity to close the park for the summer season.

What is occurring with tourists is rather alarming and very different than the bold idiocy seen in Yellowstone National Park.

The Grizzlies of the USA are not rubber stamped in their behaviors. The Yellowstone species are the same DNA as the species in Alaska and Glacier National Park, but, the behaviors are all different.

Where it gets dicey with the Grizzlies of Glacier is their speed. They run all the time, especially when Spring arrives and they are hungry out of winter hibernation. The Glacier Grizzlies are challenged to catch mountain goats for a meal. They don’t amble along like Yellowstone Grizzlies or wade into streams like Alaska Grizzlies, they literally race across land in pursuit of a meal because mountain goats are very difficult to catch.

The Yellowstone tourists just do stupid things and don’t follow rules and warnings, hence, dangerous encounters with all sorts of wildlife. But, Glacier is different. Most of the tourists appear to be hikers minding their own business challenged by the terrain. When the Glacier tourist have a Grizzly encounter it is because the bear literally appears out of nowhere right into the hikers path after mountain goats have crossed there as well.

So far there have been no fatal or life threatening encounters but from what I can tell it is because the bear is singularly focused on the sheep which it has been chasing from higher elevations. Crossing the hikers path is an alarm to the hikers and the bears.

The problem as I see it is that the bears are obviously hungry and they are only learning that when they cross a hiking path there are human beings there. Up until Spring the primary use of Glacier National Park by tourists was scaling icefall. Grizzlies don’t climb ice and have no thoughts about climbers. They are also hibernating at the time the climbers are in the park.

So, one can state there is no danger and it is simply more information available, but, that is a foolish assumption.

I don’t know what the current records state about Grizzly population vs. Grizzly Prey, but, young bears without a great deal of real world experience may be unsuccessful in obtaining prey and remain hungry only to be satiated by less evasive species like people.

The National Park Service is very knowledgeable about our parks and the wildlife within them. I am sure my concerns are something they have meetings about, but, there does seem to be a growing drumbeat about the Grizzlies and hikers. Due to its merits a reassessment is in order to be sure the climate crisis is not turning into a Grizzly crisis as well.

The USA made China

(Click here)

The Chinese forget their own capitalism venture. After Nixon opened the gates of China, it was the Free World Capital Markets that allowed China to grow. It does population  without a problem, but, autocracy and communism does not grow an economy. 


When it comes to the free market system and the national security of the USA, China has nothing to say.

I think the USA knows how to manage its economy without China attempting to dominate it. The American people aren’t interested in being a “study under glass” or should I say “under cyber glass.” China can take its spying and entertainment flea circus called “Tik-Tok” out of our borders!

The sovereign USA doesn’t have to accept ANY nefarious activity from any country even in the name of covert profits.

First day of summer 2024. It gets worse from here.

(Click here)

Massive tornadoes and hurricanes and now the summer heat.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The religious right is trying to please God. I don't think it is working.

The primary reason the religious right has gone all in with God is because they believe if the country becomes all Christian it will please God and the second coming will go well.

June 19, 2024
By Danny Westneat

...“We … oppose legislation (click here) which makes our nation more democratic in nature,” was how they put it in a bracingly blunt resolution at the state GOP convention in Spokane.

Well now it’s our neighbors over in Idaho, who last weekend had their state Republican convention in Coeur d’Alene. They also approved a bunch of anti-democratic stuff, like a proposal to do away with electing U.S. senators. But where they truly contributed to the national understanding of where things are headed was in their adopted plank titled “Defining Human Personhood.”

A person, the Idaho platform now reads, is any life from the moment of conception, or when sperm joins egg. The “intentional taking of human life” after that point is murder. In this spirit, also opposed is “the destruction of human embryos.”

“We support the criminalization of all murders by abortion within the state’s jurisdiction,” the platform says....

They hate democracy and why?

Come on, why do they hate democracy?

That's right, because they want a unicultural religious basis in violation of the First Amendment to the USA Constitution. 


The greatest democracy in the world provides complete freedom of choice of religion and now the very people that enjoy that freedom want to destroy it.



How are they going to do it?

June 19, 2024
By Rick Rojas

Gov. Jeff Landry (click here) signed legislation on Wednesday requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in every public classroom in Louisiana, making the state the only one with such a mandate and reigniting the debate over how porous the boundary between church and state should be....



Who is the biggest wacko of them all?

Congressman Mike Johnson (LA-04) is elected Speaker of the House (click here).

Table 1. Number and Percent of People Below Poverty by Congressional District, 2017 (click here)

Louisiana District number 2204
District 04
As of 2017, Mike Johnson's district had 169,367 people below poverty. That was 23.2 percent of the population of his district. Not only that, but, 322,263 people of his district were below 185 percent of the poverty level. That is 44.2 percent of his district.


Let's get this right now, we are also talking about US Senator Bill Cassidy and US Senator John Kennedy.

The most common (click here) employment sectors for those who live in Congressional District 4, LA, are Health Care & Social Assistance (47,726 people),...

The service to the impoverished is among the largest part of Louisiana District 4 employment sector!

The people of Louisiana are so ingrained into believing they need to please God, they don't even see the forest for the trees!

This isn't about purification for God. Lord knows the people of Louisiana are some of the most devoted and godly people in the country. This is about poverty folks. Teaching the ten commandments in every school, including public schools if any in Louisiana are still open, isn't going to bring a better outcome to the lives of the people of Louisiana. A strong democratic economy lead by people that can move Louisiana forward is the way out of this mess!

The gender bias in that district can choke a horse.

The industries with the best median earnings for men in 2022 are Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting, & Mining ($66,049), Manufacturing ($60,210), and Public Administration ($56,240).

The industries with the best median earnings for women in 2022 are Finance & Insurance, & Real Estate & Rental & Leasing ($40,121), Public Administration ($39,652), and Educational Services, & Health Care & Social Assistance ($34,564).

There is NO leadership in District Four in Louisiana.

There is so called small government in District 4, right? 


Government is one of the largest employers in District 4 in Louisiana.

And what does the House Speaker's wife do?

She profits from a counseling service that equates Gays, not with civil rights, but bestiality and incest. Incest is illegal at least in most of the fifty states. And bestiality? It is considered certifible (click here). It is classified as is coded as 302.89 Other specified paraphilic disorder, zoophilia in the DSM-5.

Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson, (click here) the newly elected Republican Speaker of the House, and his wife, Kelly Johnson, have come under scrutiny due to their shared ultra-conservative Christian beliefs, especially those regarding LGBTQ+ issues and the counseling service Kelly Johnson runs.

HuffPost reports that Kelly Johnson operates Onward Christian Counseling Services, a counseling firm that, in its operational documents, equates homosexuality with bestiality and incest.

The couple has been in the public eye since the late 1990s when they championed Louisiana’s marriage covenant law, aiming to make divorces more challenging to obtain. Their collaborative ventures continue to this day; they co-host a podcast titled Truth Be Told, wherein they discuss social and political issues from a conservative Christian standpoint.

I am sorry folks, but, that is pure unadulterated ignorance and victimization. What is happening to people in Louisiana District 4?

The people this upset about the status quo need to look to better educational and employment opportunities and social engagement outside just church activities. There is a lot wrong in the focus of the GOP in Washington, Idaho, and Louisiana. The current elected officials are reducing the quality of life of people and feeding off their poverty and taxes for employment. They just dig themselves in deeper rather than improving life in their districts and states.

I hate to say this boys and girls, but, this is really bad news.

These are multi-vortex tornadoes. It is more than one multi-vortex tornado, it is a tornado outbreak of multi-vortex tornadoes. The heat in the troposphere is extremely dense. This is Earth's answer. 

How does a hospital sustain damage when it was not a direct hit? Obviously, some flying debris. However in observing this incredibly well done video, the air intake that supports these tornadoes is enormous. EF4 tornadoes, which this is, has a wind speed of 166-200 mph. The air intake to these tornadoes must have felt like a major hurricane besides the destructive forces of the tornado.

The wind turbines did well in a few instances and of course they have to be replaced. A tornado that hits anything oil and gas literally sucks the lousy stuff up into the vortex of the tornado to distribute it far and wide. Below is an example:

June 27, 2013

...Hamra said (click here) there were about 5,000 gallons of crude in one holding tank, but there were only 200 or so gallons on the ground. The force of the tornado likely suctioned the crude and wastewater into the funnel cloud. Hamra and his contract pumper, Doug Briscoe, have repaired five of the eight wells that were damaged. They will begin cleanup on the Morgensen well on Monday....

June 19, 2024

It’s been four weeks (click here) since a deadly tornado tore through Greenfield, damaging parts of the Adair Country Memorial Hospital.

The facility didn’t take a direct hit, but signs of destruction are visible all around. Catherine Hillestad, CEO of the Adair County Health System, said the roof was severely impacted. Inside the hospital, Hillestad says the lab and operating room took the brunt of the damage....

Besides this a month or so ago, today the Atlantic Hurricane season began with a bang with Alberto (click here).


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Vote for Joe Biden and Vice President Harris

President Biden has Presidential Orders to secure the borders. Today President Biden has provided an half million immigrants and their children living in this country for at least ten years to achieve their aspirations and stay in this country.

IF he is not re-elected in November all this progress through presidential order will be lost with a change in power in January 2025. The Republican presumptive nominee will counter these orders on the first day of his term. Worse than that, ICE will receive orders to round up all undocumented immigrants and deport them as soon as possible. Such extremist plans will harm the USA economy.

For all people within the USA that are benefiting by the presidency of Joe Biden, GET OUT VOTE for majority legislators as well as the executive branch. The country can’t sustain its current movement forward with a change in the administration. 

GET OUT THE VOTE for Biden/Harris to keep our democracy, economy, its people, and progress in protecting the climate. So much more has to be done on all fronts for our great country. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Meet Andres Mark john

This is a true story. This is supposedly his office somewhere in Gaza. He is a contractor to the IDF. 

He has a romantic need and goes to the internet to find a friend to talk to since there are few in his current position to pursue for conversation.

Below is also a picture of him (he likes to be comical for the girls, you understand), except he corrects his name to be John Mark Andres. He apologizes for the error. Now, come on here. 

He goes on to say that he is an American (that doesn't know the proper way to express his name) and he has two daughters that live in Utah and go to the Mormon academy. They are taken care of by a nanny. Starting to feel sympathy for this man so far away from home and missing his daughters? He states he is not interested in getting money from anyone, simply conversation. That turns out to be mostly true, but, the next bump in the road is nearly unbelievable. He decides to change his name, just for fun of course, to "Gracias." 

Yes, that is Spanish for thank you. Now, anyone should be wondering why he would be thankful, yes?

So the conversation goes on for a few more days and the couple is becoming cozy and comfortable. Mark states he goes out on patrol from time to time, but, primarily he is a statistician and composes daily reports for the military. 

And when Gracias believes the woman is enthralled with him, the picture below becomes the true face of Gracias and he is now asking for a gift card for $25.00.

This very true bait and switch scenario only begins to express the inherent danger to this game of internet relationships.

This case has already been reported to the State Authorities.

The problem as it presents itself here is that who is who? This is all conducted over the internet. Was there ever a John Mark Andres? Was Gracias, who's name no one knows, in control the entire time? Is there a conspiracy between the two men? Why Gaza? 

Regardless, a perfect stranger WITH A GOAL to obtain money from an American woman for his own purposes made an emotional connection and when he felt comfortable with that emotional attachment he began his game plan. This is nothing but dangerous. What if he has connections of some kind in the USA? How much danger is someone facing? Not only that but realizing there is a new person in the relationship is alarming. That itself can be intimidating.

People can laugh at those that get entangled with scammers and consider it a personality weakness, but, in all honesty don't Americans care a great deal about life as it presents itself? Don't they care about each other? 

September 11, 2001 brought a new reality to this country and there was a paradigm shift that sort of stated, "We are better together." What occurred was real heroes coming out of nowhere sometimes to rescue others. There was nothing wrong with that and they saved lives, but, Americans changed and now we have social media that brings strangers to our lives with seriously dangerous intent.

This case with Gracias is real. It happened. It was alarming and caused panic in a person's life. If this ever occurs in anyone's life, DO NOT BECOME PARALIZED and report the entire incident no matter how embarrassing it might be to the authorities. If the first authority one approaches might not be interested enough or think it a frivolous issue, go then to the next step up. Go from the cops, to the sheriff, to the state police, to the state bureau of investigation and on up to the feds.

It is a shame when monies are exchanged between strangers when the American believes they are helping those less fortunate then themselves, but, as seen in this case, there is a very real possibility there is real danger in that relationship that only reveals itself when it is too late.

Please have a better and more protected day. Americans are great people. We know that and we don't have to prove it to  anyone.

One other thing.

If the United Nations has a program to hold assets for those that sign on to work in foreign service, why don't they have a fail safe program that provides services when the unexpected happens and/or their contractors what to go on vacation. To my way of thinking assets are tricky things to hold in trust for those servicing overseas. A separate agency needs to provide that capacity with agreements with the contractor leaving for a period of time and mostly unreachable. The United Nations should not be overseeing such services to their contractors. All that has to be between private entities and the contractor providing a third party to contact in case of an emergency. Some people, as portrayed by the good doctor, have no family to act in their best interest.

I can understand the safety issue when serving in places like Somalia, but, at the same time these are civilized people with needs from time to time.

When Americans get involved with a scammer there is an element of danger they never consider.

First I want to provide a backstory to Dr. Wilfred Richards. It is important to realize there is always a sobs story that comes with these people.

Supposedly, as he provides no proof of his statements, he was orphaned at the age of 8 by parents killed in a car crash in Germany. He grew up in Germany after being born in San Francisco. All of that may be true, but, without knowing the facts as facts why would a perfect stranger be granted so much trust? There is no reason to grant that degree of trust where facts are not presented. Even if some facts are presented, these circumstances were not anyone's doing. There is no reason to feel badly when in fact an American holds no responsibility, even remotely, for that person's reality.

So, as to Dr. Wilfred Richards. He came to LinkedIn for social content. Now, mind you this man is in a UN mission in Somalia. Why in God's name would a UN mission even allow social contact with the outside world? Seriously. It is a dangerous place and there should be all kinds of alarm bells going off when these communications occur. Case in point, Dr. Richards has changed his email address several times because his accounts had been hacked. At least that is what is stated.

The PROBLEM that presents itself with Dr. Richards is a problem created by the UN. According to his statements, when he signed up for Somalia (volunteer) he placed all his assets (several homes) and his bank accounts into a trust with the UN. I am not saying he volunteered his services, quite the contrary, he had a contract with the UN. According to his statements he cannot obtain access to his assets or accounts for his own safety. So, I ask you, what does a hard working surgeon do when he is feeling burnt out and wants a vacation. He has no access to his accounts, so he has to obtain monies somehow. Next best thing to his own account is one that belongs to someone he has struck up a conversation with, namely an average everyday American.

The ask for the money is not about donating to his worthy cause of needing a vacation, it is about romance. The conversation is romantic with the understanding he will meet his new American darling somewhere with sunshine, a bedroom and plenty of good food. If one cares to go on vacation somewhere nice, the "Untied Nations" will arrange it all right down to the favorite wine and alcohol. Upon agreeing to the romantic getaway thousands of US dollars (at least $4000) will have to be sent in the way of gift cards. There are no bank transfers. And, oh by the way, there are a few fees for the paperwork necessary to let Dr. Richards leave the compound with notice and for the transportation off the compound.

That is the sort of thing that goes on in conversation over the internet between the happy couple.


Dr. Richards' case is complicated by other factors. In his case there was a death threat about the same time a security guard was killed. It is Somalia, these things go on, ya know? As a result of these scary circumstances he decides to take his own initiative and leaves the compound with plans to travel to Mogadishu's airport and leave the country for good. In route, there is a car accident, he never leaves the country, a medicine man rescues him to a hotel, all his belongs in the car are stolen and it would seem no one at the compound is worried enough to look for him.

Hence, here is this former US Navy surgeon needing assistance and there is only one person that cares enough to help, and you guessed it, his new found love. That begins a wild ride of needs and transportations and the list just keeps getting longer and more and more needy.

Now, his story may be true, but, there is an inherent danger to anyone involved when realizing he is openly stating this is Somalia. I mean get for real. Of course, the lady is worried and willing to help, but, the episode is not so clear of any danger. Basically, run! Don't walk to the nearest authority and begin to report this stressful situation and the monies that may or may not have been spent.

Now, let just say these circumstances of our former Navy surgeon are real and he is in need of help. 

Put that aside, because I can clearly illustrate in the next story  exactly what occurs that Americans have no clue about. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is wrong.

(Click here)

The Prime Minister is not the Defense Minister. While I am certain PM Netanyahu understands war, is he wrong about the pauses along aid routes. Additionally, relatives are trying to bring their Palestinian families out of Gaza because they are being used as human shields by Hamas. 

Currently, the pier built by the USA to bring aid into Gaza is being viewed in some instances as a safe place where fleeing by boat can be accomplished. The folks running that pier are going to need gates to control fleeing Palestinians, otherwise, there will be dead Palestinians because of accidents along the pier.

Leaving via the pier is not a bad idea, however, safe departures should be planned. Basically, those fleeing Gaza whom are Palestinians could be legally considered refugees in these evacuations. The boats willing to pick up Palestinian refugees should be known to the Free World. Iran should not bring boats to the shoreline of Israel because that will escalate things and the pier will probably perish along with aid and aid trucks. 

The IDF is correct in carrying out pauses in daytime warfare to allow aid to travel into Palestine which also allows Palestinians so inclined to leave. The less human shields in Gaza will result in good operations to ferret out Hamas and other terrorist groups. That has to be a good thing because such pauses and safe routes allow Palestinians to recognize the IDF soldiers as important to their well being rather than their death. The Prime Minister’s objection to the IDF decisions is short sighted.

Recently there was a massacre by ambush of eight IDF soldiers in Gaza. It would be far better if the Palestinians in Gaza saw those same soldiers as liberators to their best outcomes. Perhaps such a change in the relationship between the civilian Palestinians in Gaza and the IDF just might end this war.  


For those planning on voting for Communist Trump…

(Click here

…this is what you have to look forward, too.

The DOJ is under attack from the U.S. House

 It is difficult to look away from a US House majority actively undermining our democracy with the assistance of Anti-American allies that profit from such propaganda. 

Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch does not accept the fact the USA government has an OBLIGATION to protect USA citizens through work of intelligence agencies (click here). This attitude by a private entity claiming the right to call itself a non-profit garnering income from donations has had “issues” with competent government functioning from at least the Obama Administration.

Fitton is an extremist conservative that is being harnessed by MAGA members of Congress to create the idea that the FBI is Anti-American and used by Democrats as a weapon against the Political Right Wing. That is not the case and let’s face it Fitton hates Democrats. 

At this point I might add, the U.S.A. Senate can and should review the work of the USA House for its current attempts to destroy the Department of Justice. The USA House is using the LETTERHEAD of Congress to create legitimacy to Fitton’s focus in the media. Fitton calls the intelligence agencies operations “black holes” of information. Yeah, that is correct. In the real world and not MAGA World those black holes are called CLASSIFIED documents.

As an example, Fitton gets pissed off because a FOIA demand of Osama bin Laden’s final burial place at sea isn’t forthcoming. Fitton’s FOIA demands are about tabloid media gossip, such as “Truth Social” and not about sincere government corruption. If he could get “the goods” on such classified information his wealth quotient would exceed his wildest dreams and make Vladimir Putin (Who may be a subscriber.) a happy man and perhaps enthusiastic donor.

The so called “weaponization” of the DOJ is due to legitimate use of the FBI assigned to investigations regarding January 6th. Those investigations primarily focused on about 140 people in the Boston, Massachusetts area. About a year ago the USA House used the government letterhead and produced the “weaponization theory” that is the basis of their harassment and wrongful “Contempt of Congress” charges.

Below is the first page of a “Whistleblower Review” by Congress of four individuals from the FBI. As far as I am concerned it is a matter of a point of view as to whether these are worthy whistleblower complaints which also taints the congressional report or not.

I can easily understand why there would be a need to investigate. I believe it was the Attorney General who promised American citizens that he would pursue the investigations wherever they would lead. In other words, he would not drop the ball on the events of January 6th. What is so laughable also is that there have been complaints the DOJ was taking too long to complete its work on January 6th.

So, basically, no one in the country is happy with the DOJ, either it is politically weaponized or it is too slow in prosecutions. I personally believe Attorney General Garland is doing a heck of a job if indictments are being handed down resulting in court hearings and convictions. Some of these convictions are of people highly toxic to domestic peace within the borders of this country. The only way these very dangerous people will be out in the general circulation of the country again is with pardons or commutations by Trump as he is promising in his campaign speeches.

Attorney General Garland is going to need an additional four years to complete his investigations and prosecutions to protect the country. He should be granted that with the re-election of President Biden and Vice President Harris. It is important to protect this democracy and not turn it over to Vladimir Putin through his proxy, the plutocrat Trump. After all, ruling the world for Putin is a matter of having the right people in place.


Friday, June 14, 2024

The Las Vegas Massacre

The forensics of the killer’s hotel room after the fact showed video cameras to monitor the police response, which was quick and decisive.

What the Supreme Court did today was to allow a war zone to be planned by White Supremacists and every other radical in and out of the country, because those Bump Stocks can be exported, too.

It is upto State Legislators to pass law to protect their law enforcement officers. Homeland Security needs to write regulations to protect all the federal officers. The National Guard and USA Defense Department needs to be sure American soldiers are safe and able to carry out their missions given the new recklessness of a bizarre Supreme Court.

I realize this is the summer and everyone wants to be home, but, don’t be long because those so inclined are already putting in their orders and the Tool and Die are being lunricated as I write this. 

Get busy, now. After the election will be too late for some. 

People will die because of the Supreme Court decision today. It is the responsibility of good governance to minimize and/or eliminate those deaths. Let’s not make the mean streets of the USA more violent with the return of Al Capone.

No more confrontation with firearms BY CONSENT as a legal act. When a gun kills it needs to be prosecuted. If it was self-defense it will show in the presentation of the case. The mess of gun laws that allow the easy use of weapons has to be brought under control. Legislation can also spell out when a gun is used frivolously or recklessly gun privileges can be revoked for a period of time or forever.

Insurrectionists should never be permitted to own deadly weapons again.

It is proven in other countries that the philosophy that everyone can own a weapon and it nullifies the danger is a lie. The more guns, the more violence, and the more law enforcement is mute.

Owning and carrying guns is not a right , it is a privilege. The Second Amendment primarily provides for the USA military to protect the country and some degree of self-defense. There is no absolute right to weapons.

Make every Rule of Law about politics.

What then is created?

Every law no matter what it is is about politics and partisanship.

What then is created?

When the Republicans are in majority the laws passed are extreme, no difference than the defense funding bill passed by the US House. When Democrats are in majority it is about closing the wealth gap, human rights like the Affordable Care Act, protecting Medicare and Social Security and making the country strong by providing free education to everyone. 

What then is created when a Supreme Court identifies fairly LEGISLATED law as partisan and disposable?

That is exactly what is on the bench at the Supreme Court now. Absolutely and without a doubt.

How does a plutocracy earn every vote that will create a majority win at the ballot box in November? 

Very simple.

Give every voter what they want with a promise of more of the same.

This is how to correctly spell the Roberts’ Court.


How many voters did the Supreme Court preserve for their partisan politics?

By protecting Plan B the women in the country might vote for Republicans.

The Bump Stock sales will ensure the White Man Vote stays to the political right. 

Bump stocks increase the danger of legally bought weapons of war accelerating the rapidity of bullets fired. The Los Vegas massacre didn’t matter because after all those folks went on to their maker and what could be better.

The Roberts’ Court are political hacks and nothing more. They have proven themselves to be very dangerous to the American citizens by increasing the odds of dying by backstreet abortion clinics and/or rabid gunmen.

The Roberts’ Court has no respect for human life or the sovereignty of this country. If a Supreme Court doesn’t protect life they are human rights abusers and allow citizens to be demised by free will of others. 

Police Chiefs across the country are right this minute issuing bump stocks to their officers. The Roberts’ Court makes America’s streets more dangerous. They have no reverence for life including that of police officers. 

Statement from Attorney General Phil Weiser:

(Click here)

Case in point from an entry on LinkedIn.

(Click here)

Now markets are impacting the food supply. This is the role of government to intervene. There is a limit on free market capitalism. The ETHICS are gone. There is no value of DECENCY in capitalism.

Government MUST push back against greed. Oh, my, but politically it could be called “tax and spend.” That’s right, when it protects the best interests of the most vulnerable such as Social Security and Medicare in the USA from failure then I guess that is what it is called.

Foreign ownership

How much of the housing market has been affected by foreign investment and/or ownership? After Trump was elected all his Chinese friends that liked to congregate at Mar-a-logo decided real estate was a good purchase. Foreign ownership of U.S. property has been a growing problem that creates impossible market pressures for the working Middle Class. This dynamic of foreign OCCUPATION of the U.S. housing market needs greater scrutiny. Those foreign purchasers have assets far above that of average Americans, especially if they are backed by governments such as communist oligarchs. This dynamic exists even through Wall Street equity markets that have turned trailer parks into wastelands of greed.

(Click here)

These investors can easily be used in attempts to destabilize the Free World economy. Yes, as a strategy of economic war.

Wall Street, including foreign investors, is a huge issue when it comes to depriving Americans of the American Dream. These are HOMES to tax paying Americans, not simply real estate as a gambling chip in equity markets.

There is also a Plutocrat Class now that simply reeks havoc with every aspect of democracies, The entire idea of escalating wealth into the hands of a few people is a problem for the stability and viability of democratic governments.

Enough already!

If Wall Street is going to play with the American Dream then institute a transaction tax to have the ability to counter the instability and HARDSHIP Americans are facing. These dynamics also creates impossible rents and homelessness. It is high time sincere the market collapse of 2007 to fine tune the understanding of GREED and its impact on everything valued by citizens of the Free World.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Evan Gershkovich should be returned to the USA unharmed.

His family misses Evan and needs him at home in the USA. The charges against Evan are manufactured by Russian intelligence at the order of Vladimir Putin. Evan is not guilty
and could never have been involved in espionage. Never.

The problem with prisoner exchanges with Russia is that they are untrustworthy. The very same assassin was supposed to be swaped for the Late and Correct Russian President Alexei Navalny, but, Putin had him murdered with upcoming elections that he was on the ballot for re-election as Russian President.

(Click here)

I don’t know if Russia will ever be a reliable partner again in any negotiations, yet alone those for an innocent journalist accused of espionage.

Look, it just isn’t a good idea to travel to
Russia or any other communist country. Americans are a prize for these governments. The prize is a new source of propaganda.

Americans should stay away from communist countries like Russia or China. Americans are not safe there and are targets for detention and wild stories  such as espionage. 

The USA intelligence is all any Free World country needs to know what is transpiring in Russia. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

AG needs President Biden

The work the DOJ is doing, especially in relation to January 6th and a criminal former president needs Presidential Privilege to protect this democracy.

President Biden and AG Merrick Garland need to protect us all from a runaway US House focused on the politics of the day and not the people’s business. The right wing politicos are attempting to protect a criminal president Trump and that isn’t allowed. 

The AG and DOJ are doing the people’s work and need President Biden to issue Presidential Privilege as needed.

This is called a climate crisis.

This isn’t just bad weather, this is a change in climate that is dangerous. This is also south Florida where sand rules the day. Cities and towns building on sand with this level of flooding worries me for the development of karst topography (click here).

(Click here)