Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Gag Order for a former president.

It is astounding a gag order was ever needed of a former President of the United States of America. Trump more than realizes the power of the presidency, including how power can inspire people to act violently.

There was one other time in USA history when violently angry men attempted to INSPIRE violence. Iran’s holy men actually have their god to bring about the aspirations of violence against innocent people, but, the terrorists have to count on hitting an emotional tie with those so inclined to violence.

Donald John Trump is not a good person who seeks the presidency of this country for the right reasons. He wants power to improve his personal circumstances. He wants to be an autocrat that shuts down the government except where it pleases him. Giving Donald John Trump four more years to dismantle this democracy and replace it with fear and unending misery is unconscionable. Every person in this country will be adversely affected by the last presidency this country will ever see.

Donald John Trump knows how to inspire violence. He longs for the power to do it if no other reason but personal satisfaction in retribution to the witnesses of the truth necessary to bring a guilty verdict to a man that treats women as objects and not persons deserving respect.

A gag order was necessary to maintain the rule of law in the Trump case, does anyone believe this former president cares about our democracy that operates because of the rule of law? No one in this country should be willing to vote for such a monster.