Thursday, June 27, 2024

Trump is a criminal and plans to stay that way.

Trump has no plan for climate except to let it get worse. I think he pandered to Big Oil money when he stammered a bit, “…the liquid gold under our feet, oil and gas…” Trump is a plutocrat transfixed on money and how to get it no matter the degree of crime involved. It is the way he ran his business and it is his world view.

This debate was before the conventions.

Trump is politically agile, but, a liar that INTENDS the people of the USA harm.

Biden is Biden. He is steadfast and honest, but, his aged appearance and inability to appear youthful is a problem for him. The last thing he wants is to lose this democracy. He will do the right thing for the country. Debating isn’t his strong suit, but, his love for this country is. I think his stuttering got the best of him tonight.