Thursday, June 27, 2024

Trump will never agree to a two country outcome with Israel and Palestine. 

He said, “We’ll see.” That means no and he turned to talk about great trade deals with Europe. He is a snake oil salesman.

(Click here)

(Click here) The wealth gap between Black Americans and Caucasian Americans is a ratio of at least $1 vs. $100. Making choices to work is not simple and they often will stay home because of the cost of childcare. 

Trump has no plan for SSI, only Republican rhetoric (click here) Economic growth under Biden has been significant while the solvency of SSI has not improved. There is no Republican plan that will work. 

A significant amount of inflation is due to ocean shipping costs which escalated uncontrollably during the pandemic. They improved under Biden but are once again an issue became of the violence in the Middle East, the Houthis, Iranians, and the Suez Canal.