Friday, June 28, 2024

It is a political court.

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The Robert’s Court doesn’t care about the people, only words and a far right interpretation of the words. They never really granted the legal standing of mifepristone, they only ruled the parties involved had no standing to make their claim. Mifepristone will be outlawed if Trump is elected. 

The same thing with the January 6th rioter. He was there physically in the Capitol and participated in a riot that disrupted official proceedings. How is that not an issue for prosecution ? They don’t care about the country, only their politics. 

The Supreme Court is beginning to define anarchy within the borders of this country. It is going to be interesting to watch them turn this land into a theocracy when it approves of the mandatory teaching of the Bible. That will end the rights of any difference, diversity, free thinkers, or invention if everything has to be defined within the definition of Christianity. There is a hatred of freedom in the right wing in the USA. They want a white Christian man conformity. It is going to be bad.

The American people need to get this right, otherwise, by the time they realize what is happening it will be too late.