Saturday, June 22, 2024

Containing radiation contamination in space.

(Click here)

Nature publications are among the best comprehensive information to scientists. Below is the current cover to “nature materials.” I have been reading this since it’s inception in 2002 (click here). I do not believe human beings are going to find a type of material that repels the solar wind. Please think about the feat of such an accomplishment. Is it realistic?

I know how important the space program is to Americans, so let me make a wild prediction of what I think will ultimately work. 

One question. Just one. 

What had Earth shown us as to what protects Earth from the solar wind?

Earth’s Magnetosphere (click here)

This is what protects all living beings on Earth. I think the space program has a long way to go, but, ultimately spacecraft will require a force field that performs the same functions as Earth. Someday long into the future there will be such a spaceship taking humans gently to new realities.


I would look to NASA and MIT to fulfill those visions of tomorrow.

Until then, we need Earth to be okay with us living on it.