Monday, August 03, 2020

The Department of Agriculture and the FDA aren't doing a good job notifying the dangers of vaping.

The product most often used since so many died of lung-related deaths caused by vaping has a base of Propylene glycol, vegetable glycol, and artificial flavors. If it weren't for the State of California most purchasers of these products would never know there are dangers and risks for cancer.

The by-products that cause cancer are acetaldehyde and formaldehyde. Both these chemicals are highly dangerous carcinogens.

The manufacturers have gotten clever, too. It used to be these vap products all contained some degree of nicotine. NOW, the products contain no nicotine, but, it is offered as a side product that can be added to the plant-based vap JUICE.

These products appeared in the market place as an alternative to smoking tobacco. There are many different manufacturers of these products and they really have gotten away with murder quite frankly. Now, it is more danger being introduced through vaping products in the way of very dangerous carcinogens.

Vaping needs to stop. It is an unsafe practice for many reasons. But, if it weren't for California no one would know the ingredients and by-products that can cause cancer. When tobacco was labeled as dangerous and can cause cancer, warnings to that fact were required to be put on the label. It came through a federal decision and every state in the country MUST only sell cigarettes with labels stating the dangers of smoking or chewing tobacco.

Now, there are vaping products that will cause cancer with repeated use over a period of time. There is no guesswork here. These two products are PROVEN to by highly dangerous carcinogens. For the USDA and the FDA to allow these products in the market place is neglect and endangerment of human life.

Congress needs to pass legislation requiring EVERY PRODUCT FOR SALE to label the products with their ingredients that are too dangerous to be consumed and of all places the lungs. The highly vascular lungs that can provide immediate delivery to a person's bloodstream of anything that enters those two organs only to be carried to the brain for an altered reality.

Nicotine is highly addictive HENCE sending products and resultant by-products that cause cancer into the body. The psychological and social addiction and the actual physical addition of the products are human rights violations simply because they are KNOWN CARCINOGENS. 

The US Congress has to ban these chemicals from entering the body today and permanently into the future. 

If people want to vape a plant-based JUICE they can take it out of the refrigerator and use it. Those carcinogens are preservatives. The vaping industry needs to remove all carcinogens and toxic materials to the lungs FROM THEIR VAPING PRODUCTS NOW!

Shame on Sonny Purdue and the FDA. It is a horrible time in the USA and the lack of expertise and CARING by this administration is only adding to the existing horrors.