Sunday, July 12, 2020

The United States of America has enormous dysfunction in being able to act against danger.

Trump's weapon against the people of the USA is an invisible invader.

I think Trump got caught being maniacal and decided to be the Lone Ranger in fighting SARS-CoV-2 by wearing a mask.

There are thoughts that don't have to be spoken to realize there is a greater benefit to Trump of SARS-CoV-2 and his politics. The people ill and dead are disproportionately Democrats in their historic voting. The minorities, the young and the elderly frequently vote with the Democrats because the party stands with them in their needs to navigate a country completely dependent on capitalism in the economy.

l. Not wearing a mask when out and about is a FALSE OPTION.

2. There are standards that first required people not to meet in groups larger than 10, then it was reduced to 5. The people that ignored those requirements by demonstrating with guns and complaining their freedoms were being removed were practicing a FALSE OPTION.

3. FOX News has been instrumental in promoting the idea that breaking the rules is best and the virus a HOAX. FOX News did not have the option of promoting danger in people's lives as stated by the USA health authorities. FOX News promoted FALSE OPTIONS.

4. Donald John Trump believes he is reaping benefits from the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and it's illness COVID-19. Namely political benefits. I believe he is capable of practicing a human rights violation for the benefit of his political game. I don't believe for one minute the deaths brought on by this virus bothers him in the least. After all the USA is a free country and people can make their own choices, right? 

5. The USA is the highest in confirmed cases and growing. That is not simply a side effect of testing. Testing is proving the mismanagement of the USA's response to SARS-CoV-2. If there were profound containment of the virus the testing would prove the virus was contained. Having the highest confirmed cases only proves day after day the country has been mismanaged in defeating the biological warfare of Donald John Trump.

YES, I believe the USA is under siege by SARS-CoV-2. Yes, I believe SARS-Cov-2 is a convenient pleasure of those states that are out of control because the people were confused by mixed messages and economic need.

...The influx (click here) of minorities from abroad and from other states over the past several decades has changed the state’s racial/ethnic makeup considerably. Hispanic and black Floridians make up a larger share of Florida’s populace (Asians slightly less) than of the nation at-large. But these broad labels mask country-of-origin-based cultural and political diversity. The group of Floridians who identify themselves as multi-racial is also on the upswing, challenging traditional race/ethnic-based micro-targeting strategies aimed at improving voter registration and turnout....

This virus has disproportionately effected American minorities in contracting COVID-19 and the maiming and deaths that follow. That is due to institutionalized poverty. Trump brags he has more African Americans working than any other president in history. If that is the truth, then they are working for three years at wages that never lifted them out of poverty. The minorities Trump claims he put to work are the Working Poor. The institutionalized poverty and racism never changed regardless of him making minorities go to work.

The State of Florida is allowing people to become ill and die. The state has an ever-increasing number of ethnically diverse citizens. I believe the Governor's racist tendencies and those of Trump are SERVED BEST in ALLOWING THE WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIOS for this demographic.

States that are allowing people to engage in dangerous behaviors and priorities are in VIOLATION of the Federal Health Care authorities in the USA.

Since the Republican Party cannot see the forest for the trees, then they are more guilty than the racists themselves. Their own political priorities have completely discounted the facts of impeachment and those same wayward priorities allowing the illness and deaths occurring in states that are seeing the largest growth of minority diversity in the country.

The governors, like DeSantis and Donald John Trump, are human rights abusers that chase rainbows of money with pots of gold rather than valuing human life especially when that human life is not a Trump voter.

The world should take notice, the American people are being culled when they should have already seen the worst of the virus and are safe to resume their lives.

The adults are not enough as well. Now, the children can be removed from the populous of the USA, too. Sending children back to school in the USA is a human rights abuse crueler than any other cruelty in our history.