Thursday, May 09, 2019

This is nonsense.

Besides the reasons of the US House Judiciary Committee the controlled environment where the MOSTLY unredacted Special Council report is held, hostage, the CONDITIONS placed by Barr are dysfunctional, intimidating and an insult. 

May 6, 2019
By Madison Gesiotto

Despite their demands (click here) that Attorney General William Barr release the full unredacted report by special counsel Robert Mueller, Democrats have shown little actual interest in viewing it themselves. In a solid gesture of transparency, Barr allowed a dozen members of Congress, six Democrats and six Republicans, to access the report with most of the redactions removed. While grand jury material had to be redacted to comply with federal requirements, this version of the report does include classified information, materials related to ongoing investigations, and information that could damage reputations of individuals not charged with crimes....

There are 24 members of the US House Judiciary Committee alone. That does not account for the members of the US House Intelligence Committee or the equally important components in the US Senate. Limiting the scope of the number of Legislative members to read the MOSTLY unredacted Special Counsel document is a burden to the six CHOSEN by Barr.

The entire controlling environment is oppressive and designed to provide failure to the process the legislature has to carry out. The control under which these six exclusive members are allowed to read the documents is oppressive. They have to read it in a particular room that is controlled by Barr. There are no cell phones allowed. The notes the six members take have to remain in the room with the documents. 

To begin the document is not completely redacted. The US House and US Senate have security clearance to have these documents. It is my estimation the Trump family probably has the same clearance to read the unredacted documents.

The idea there can be no notes to leave the room brings up all kinds of problems. Six members of 635 women and men that make up the US House and US Senate have to take time out of their responsibilities (these members are chairpersons to committees) to go to a room, read documents, take notes and then leave the notes behind to commit the entire unredacted areas to memory. 


The Trump administration has set a path that is completely clear, they intend to obstruct the government processes of the federal government and this is proof.

The idea the members of Congress would violate the law in having information regarding any ongoing Grand Jury is an insult to their oath of office. The US House wanted the Attorney General to join them in a court of law to find the Grand Jury testimony that can be released while other hearings continue. The fact there are ongoing Grand Jurys only brings up the question as to why the Special Counsel was disbanded in the first place.

Former FBI Director Mueller needs to testify to the US Congress as well as the members of the Special Council. The limits placed on the US Legislature regarding this report are ridiculous, providing no clear ability of the legislature to bring about law or changes in law to protect the USA from foreign influence that is harmful to its sovereignty.