Thursday, May 09, 2019

In case little scholarly thought went into, why Trump? The Tea Party. They are the people that came out of nowhere immediately after the election of President Barak Hussein Obama.

The Tea Party, the Right Wing's most extremist element (The Freedom Caucus)  manifested because of Koch money and continue to exist because of Koch money. The Kochs never adapted a modern day model for their family business. They continue to exploit petroleum and coal as if it is relevant to today's world. So, the entire mess that is Trump is because the Koch's don't want to change their business model. I wonder how their China Division is doing?

The people backed by Koch's money are seriously attempting to turn the clocks back about six decades. They "don't believe" in the future. It isn't profitable to do so.

It would seem as though the dredges from the Republican past have found a wacko home in North Carolina. The John Locke Society claims wind turbines are a national security threat. I wonder what their position is on Donald Trump's beautiful letters with Kim?

The burgeoning leadership of the DNC needs to begin a reform movement in North Carolina. It is so old world, they still adhere to the idea Columbus sailed on a flat Earth.

May 8, 2019
By Dave Anderson

Harry Brown, (click here) the state senator who wants to ban new wind power farms in eastern North Carolina, has received thousands of dollars in campaign money from Koch Industries and other fossil fuel interests.

Brown, who serves as the Republican Majority Leader in the North Carolina Senate, received a $4,000 contribution for his reelection campaign from the Koch Industries Political Action Committee (KochPAC) in August of 2018.

At the time, Brown was busy defending North Carolina’s controversial 18-month moratorium on new wind farms, which only became law after Brown snuck it into a bipartisan 2017 solar bill signed by Governor Roy Cooper. Brown’s moratorium was premised on overblown claims about the impacts of wind turbines on military operations.

The John Locke Foundation took credit for the role that its “reporting” on the national security threat supposedly posed by “massive turbines” played in laying the groundwork for the 2017 moratorium. It pulled in $85,000 from the Charles Koch Foundation in 2017, according to IRS data compiled by Greenpeace. It was the largest recorded donation the John Locke Foundation has received from the Charles Koch Foundation. The group was co-founded by Art Pope, a close ally of the Koch brothers....