Thursday, May 09, 2019

The Trumps have no respect for anyone, except, money.

Twenty hours is a part time job. Most Americans work well over 40 hours per week, so I have no sympathy for million-billionaires that bemoan answering a subpoena to the US Senate.

Trump is starting his identity politics again. So, I have been trying to decide what name really identifies Trump.

Doc In no way.

Grumpy It has merit.

Happy I have never seen such a miserable human being as Trump.

Sleepy Probably after every round of golf.

Bashful Anyone that pads their crotch isn't bashful.

Sneezy Only from the standpoint he causes allergies to his presence.

Dopey Now that is a thought. Dopey Don. Yep. That fits him.

Dopey Don.