Thursday, May 09, 2019

Sue everyone and every entity.

The White House has to be sued and so does Donald J. Trump, the person. He has personal animosity for whatever the perverted reason is and he is abusing the power of the Executive Branch to hurt private concerns in the USA.

Hold Sarah Huckabee Sanders responsible for her decisions in highly discriminatory methodologies to exclude those that disagree with Trump policies. She is getting away with it. She is hiding behind Trump's back and firing off inappropriate control of the USA press corp. Enough.

29 March 2018
By Alan Martin

Yesterday, (click here) Amazon's stock fell 4.4%, knocking around $31 billion off the company's value. The possible reason? An Axios report highlighting President Donald Trump's continued desire to "go after Amazon," possibly with anti-trust regulation. The report claims to come from five sources who have discussed the company with him: "he's obsessed with Amazon," said one of them. "Obsessed."

Another added: “He’s wondered aloud if there may be any way to go after Amazon with antitrust or competition law."

$31 billion off Amazon's net worth is very little in the greater scheme of things and it will likely bounce back soon, but it's worth digging into Trump's continued antipathy towards Amazon and specifically Jeff Bezos....