Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Venezuelan opposition leader Guaidó calls for coup against Maduro (click here for additional facts - thank you)

Maduro is not a good president. He had no insight to understand the oil market and it's crash and what that meant to a mono-economy relying on only one commodity to buoy the economy. The socialism practiced by him failed with the collapse of oil. Even Saudi Arabia saw this coming.

The people of Venezuela have always lived with the idea their leader was in control of government power. As long as the life in Venezuela was still orderly, sufficient and allowed their belief system, they were okay. Not necessarily living the exact life they wanted, but, they were okay. Then the unthinkable happened their mono-economy collapsed. There was no insight to such collapes, everything had gone along as it always had and then one day it was all different and the leadership was in chaos.

Maduro didn't go to the United Nations to plead his case, he didn't look for other regional countries to find example of what was working for them. He reached out foolishly to Russia as has Cuba and this is the result. From that time to today, the circumstances of the Venezuelan people have only gotten worse. What did Russia expect? Oh, yeah, I forgot they always expect times to get worse and then real Russian leadership demands using military might against unarmed people. ie: Ukraine.

Is there any wonder the Venezuelan people are turning away from Maduro more and more. The demonstrations today only continue to say the people of this beautiful country completely reject Maduro and his strong man tactics. There is no reason for the Maduro government to use military humvees and bullets against the people. The people are not violent. They are upset their lives are not respected. They have no munitions and only seek to be heard. They want a change of leadership and it is completely reasonable they do.

The Venezuelan people need food, clothing, clean water and medical care. They want their electricity to be reliable so they alone can move their economy forward by building it from the ground up. They can do this. They are great people. They know their own minds. They know their own hearts. Maduro needs to stop trying to control people that he doesn't even feed or provide a reliable electrical grid for their ambitions.

The world is watching and I profoundly hope the world realizes the wayward leadership that results from Russian profit-taking by providing war machines rather than humanitarian aid and economic guidance. Venezuela needs allies. It needs allies that will come as tourists and not soldiers.
