Friday, March 08, 2019

Any war in the Caribbean won't be conventional for long.

Russia and China do not have major staging areas in the Western Hemisphere, at least that I am aware of.

Maduro is backed by Russia and is supplying weapons to him for a tidy price, but, it is my understanding Russia already has soldiers on the ground in Venezuela, albeit a small number at this point.

Any conventional warfare in the Caribbean will be to provide a sense of security from nuclear confrontation with the USA. If the USA has it's guard down, the assault by every ally Putin can find will launch and perhaps not receive any missiles in return, especially with Trump in office.Trump and the only people he cares about, his family, will be down a rabbit hole waiting for Putin to call the all clear.

Now, that might sound strange and delusional, but, Putin wants to end the USA domination in regard to global security and with Kim itching to be part of the big picture, there is no better time than now. 

Putin and China are communists and the USA is freedom and democracy. At least that is what the US Constitution demands.

The game is set now, it is a matter of winning that matters.

Oh, one other thing. So much for "If Hillary wins there will be a nuclear war."