Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Bush is already promoting a return to Iraq with a Sunni lead coalition. Do I hear echos of "The Axis of Evil?" Not sure. I haven't heard "boots on the ground" yet.

Bush is about status. Iraq has a history of a military that takes American provided munitions and abandoning them. That ends the discussion. There is no more USA munitions to Iraq. 

We entered Iraq in 2003. We left in 2011 on schedule. The stability of a sovereign Iraq was never in the outcome. At first assault Iraqis abandoned USA provided military hardware and they didn't run out of gas either. It wasn't as though the Iraqi military outran Daesh. Then the USA hardware and munitions was turned on the people by Daesh. There is no way the region should be exposed to that again. The fires in the region are enough to deal with.