Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Trilateral Commission? That antiquated bureaucracy stil in existance?


04/29/2014 03:59

WASHINGTON -- US Secretary of State John Kerry (click here) issued a forceful statement on Monday night responding to fallout from his use of the term 'apartheid' to characterize a potential future Israeli political reality, should a two-state solution with the Palestinians fail to come to pass.

"I will not allow my commitment to Israel to be questioned by anyone, particularly for partisan, political purposes," Kerry said in the statement, issued by the State Department. "I do not believe, nor have I ever stated, publicly or privately, that Israel is an apartheid state or that it intends to become one."...

If it isn't apartheid then there has to be a word similar.

What do you call it when a country has a segregated ethnicity within it's borders that are not recognized as an independent nation. Their movement is limited. There ability to defend their own lands are gone and their children's future is uncertain.

What do you call that exactly? 

You can say what you want about Hamas, but, they still have their land without dissolution of any borders. 

I know what this is called, "Israeli Eminent Domain." There ya go, John. 

There is a group of people in Honduras with the same exact plight and this is what they said:

...We live on the Atlantic coast of Honduras. (click here) We are a mix of African descendants and indigenous peoples who came about more than 200 years ago in the island of San Vicente. Without our land, we cease to be a people. Our lands and identities are critical to our lives, our waters, our forests, our culture, our global commons, our territories. For us, the struggle for our territories and our commons and our natural resources is of primary importance to preserve ourselves as a people.

The Garífuna people, for their way of being, were declared part of the Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2004. We don’t know what that means exactly, but we suppose it implies that the state must take action to protect and preserve the Garífuna people’s identity....

The Palestinians aren't alone. There are a lot of ignorant people in this world that don't care about a people's right to exist. Take the Massi for instance.

CSQ Issue: 

East African pastoralist societies (click here) face greater threats to their way of life now, than at any other time in the recent past. With the creation of game parks, private ranches, and commercial wheat estates, Maasai herders, in particular, are fenced off and evicted from lands that were traditionally and legally theirs. Increasingly, Maasai and other pastoral group are creating their own NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and going to court against national governments to defend their land rights.

The Maasai are a population of 375,000 people who subsist mainly off their cattle, goats, and sheep in the savannas of southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. Never a single political entity, the Maasai are composed of 14 independent tribal groups including the Kisongo of Tanzania, and Purko, Loita, and Matapato of Kenya. Maasai share the savanna with other pastoralists including Maa-speaking Paraguyu, Samburu, and LChamus, as well as densely populated agricultural neighbors including Kikuyu, Kamba, and Luhyia in Kenya, and Pare, Samba, Chagga, and Meru in Tanzania....
East African pastoralist societies face greater threats to their way of life now, than at any other time in the recent past. With the creation of game parks, private ranches, and commercial wheat estates, Maasai herders, in particular, are fenced off and evicted from lands that were traditionally and legally theirs. Increasingly, Maasai and other pastoral group are creating their own NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and going to court against national governments to defend their land rights.
The Maasai are a population of 375,000 people who subsist mainly off their cattle, goats, and sheep in the savannas of southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. Never a single political entity, the Maasai are composed of 14 independent tribal groups including the Kisongo of Tanzania, and Purko, Loita, and Matapato of Kenya. Maasai share the savanna with other pastoralists including Maa-speaking Paraguyu, Samburu, and LChamus, as well as densely populated agricultural neighbors including Kikuyu, Kamba, and Luhyia in Kenya, and Pare, Samba, Chagga, and Meru in Tanzania.
- See more at: http://www.culturalsurvival.org/ourpublications/csq/article/maasai-and-barabaig-herders-struggle-land-rights-kenya-and-tanzania#sthash.A1L5eXZE.dpuf

The problem with Palestine as a nation is the insistence by Israel the Palestinians lost their rights to land 20 years after Israel claimed it. There is still that belief that somewhere around 1967 Palestine was finished. Seriously. Speak with some of the Jewish and that is still a complaint. Supposedly there is this idea that after a generation Israel had the right to claim the land. 

The destruction of Palestine from the time Israel was first dedicated in a UN decision speaks for itself, doesn't it?