Friday, October 25, 2013

No Keystone XL Pipeline

Former Vice President Al Gore is speaking at the Center for American Progress (click here)

I think he is nearly finished.

He stated 2 billion people will be using electricity from photovoltaic cells across the world. He stated it will cost less than the current energies from other forms of fuel. Why worry about nuclear energy if solar is coming into it's maturity. 

These are current emissions, but, the 'historic emissions' belongs primarily to the USA. 

Frequently, Republicans like to dismiss the damage to the troposphere already realized caused by the USA and simply focus on what exists today. The responsibility of the USA to the current Climate Crisis far exceeds that of any other country. The USA continues to discharge far too large amounts of Greenhouse Gases, especially since the Cheney Energy Policy (click here).

The USA energy policy has been based in pure, unadulterated corruption and cronyism. Not what is best for the nation, but, what was good for Cheney.
By Dana Milbank and Justin Blum
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 

...In a joint hearing (click here) last week of the Senate Energy and Commerce committees, the chief executives of Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp. and ConocoPhillips said their firms did not participate in the 2001 task force. The president of Shell Oil said his company did not participate "to my knowledge," and the chief of BP America Inc. said he did not know.

Chevron was not named in the White House document, but the Government Accountability Office has found that Chevron was one of several companies that "gave detailed energy policy recommendations" to the task force. In addition, Cheney had a separate meeting with John Browne, BP's chief executive, according to a person familiar with the task force's work; that meeting is not noted in the document.... 

Former Vice President Al Gore addressed the atrocity of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

By Elias Isquith
Speaking before an audience (click here) at the Center for American Progress’ 10 year anniversary event in Washington, D.C., former Vice President Al Gore laid down the gauntlet, describing the Keystone XL pipeline as an “atrocity” that “should be vetoed.” “This should be vetoed. It is an atrocity. It is a threat to our future,” Gore said, according to Politico....