Monday, April 16, 2012

As only Bill Cosby can. Sisyphus was a king that continually pushed an immense boulder up a hill only to have it roll back down.

"I'm disappointed at people  (click title to entry - thank you) who don't look at the woes and the trouble given to this man,” Cosby told CNN’s Candy Crowley, referring to allies on the left who have complained about the administration. “People blatantly speaking out against his color, wasting time, starting up new stories about whether or not he was born here, saying things that they can't prove.”
The actor and comedian said he feels sometimes that opponents want to make Obama’s job like “the one that Sisyphus had.”...

Sysyphus is actually the story of the American Middle Class under Republican Leadership. We push a boulder up the hill to ACHIEVE a better quality of life only to have the Republicans roll it back down.