Thursday, November 17, 2011

Live Streaming from Occupy Wall Street (click title to entry - thank you)

The current report is a young man was 'clubbed' by police causing an injury to his head that resulted in bleeding.  The protesters have video of the blood spots on the ground as to where it happened.

There are reports of police being injured with a liquid substance; up to four officers.  That is not a good thing.  The incidents where injury occurs on either side causes escalation of fear of each other and results in greater force being applied to oppose each other.  That is a 'impetus' to increasing dangerous behaviors.  I do not approve of either the police or the protesters using injurious force against each other.  Next thing that happens are guns, etc., and they we are off to the races.

There cannot be escalation by either side.  The protesters are sincerely upset by the blood on the pavement.  NO retaliation by either side.  There are no enemies here, there is however justice being sought by protesters that are witnessing an entire generation unemployed.

No eacalation of fear of each other and no retaliation.  None.  Justice must prevail, not violence.

How many City Cops have their young adult children unemployed?  The number is not zero.  They know.