Friday, May 14, 2010

The motto first appeared on a coin in 1864 during strong Christian sentiment emerging during the Civil War,

While we are on the subject of the Illegitmiate Media in the USA; the morons at the Murdock 'dictate' do it again.  Is Palin on something?  She looks a little 'woozy' to me.

But, at any rate, both her and O'Reilly are lying. 


They state this 'motto' was adopted by the Founders of the USA Constitution.  It wasn't.  It was adopted during the Civil War.  A Civil War is a very threatening episode in any country's history.  It is not uncommon during times of war that people, citizens that will be putting their lives on the line to die for the sovereign right of to exist, will turn to solice in dedicated belief to God even over country.

Separation of Church and State was the cry of the Founders of the USA Constitution EVEN when at war for their sovereign right to exist.  "Times of Trial" are always difficult for any nation, finding comfort in lies such as those from Murdoch isn't the way to protect the USA Constitution.

The Murdoch Media Machine are promoting Lies and Anti-Constitutional Agendas for the USA.  They are treasonists.  Get over it.  Where is the FCC?