Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Gender Gap of 2008 - Play to your strengths Harry. Take control of the dialogue and don't let go of it.

Lost in the recount backwash last November was a little noted statistic. 

According to exit polls, incumbent U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Rep. John Ensign, R-Las Vegas, equally split the female vote.
The issue of abortion never came up in the vicious senate campaign, but women somehow found out that when it came to their keystone issue, there was no choice between two anti-choice men.

[UPDATE: A reverse perception was actually the case. Since neither Reid nor Ensign made an issue of abortion, polls showed that women assumed they were both pro-choice. The result was the same — a push.]

Del Papa will open 2000 with a gender gap which will grow to Grand Canyon proportions, perhaps 15 to 20 percentage points, by November.

That alone will make Ensign unelectable.