Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The weather in Antarctica is (Crystal Wind Chime) RIDICULOUSLY warm.

Surface winds are mostly 'still' over the Peninsula, but, there is plenty of air movement over the Blue Ice. That is what is keeping any significang accumulation of 'frigid' air. I guanantee there is sublimination of the Blue Ice in Vostok. Has to be.

Arriving Heat Transfer Systems noted.

There is absolutely no 'frigid' air over Antarctica noted below.

Why Climate Change isn't just a matter of 'warming.'

Humans have a heritage. Many have lived in one place for all their lives as have their ancestors. While others have migrated and found new ways of life without incident. But, for Ade'lie Penguines they have only known one home all their years. They only have survived on Antarctica. They don't have the 'capacity' to 'change' as people do.

They are what 'scientists' call 'hard wired.' They have lived exclusively on the Antarctica continent for so very, very long that they do not have the 'genetic variability' to change. Their instincts in nesting and feeding grounds are so deeply imprinted into their genes that they are doomed to fail on a warming Earth.

It isn't as though Antarctica will then be without Penguins. There will always be Penguins, such as the Chinstrap Penguins, that find warmer climates and migration an easy task. But, we, the people of Earth will have failed the Ade'lies. We will have allowed such drastic changes in climate that they can no longer survive in their homeland.

Oh, yeah, we can find ways to keep the species on Earth alive, but, that isn't really the point is it? We are the stewards of planet Earth, the ones that have cognition beyond most of the creatures of this planet. We are the ones that understand the dynamics of climate and science and while animals have instincts that dictate their movements and the methods they nest and reproduce, we are the 'quintessential' species that have control.

We can choose to allow an entire planet to be destroyed by our own inability to grasp the overwhelming power we have over every other species or we can find a way to be 'responsible' and protect those species that can no longer dominate a survival strategy on a warming planet they did not create.

Today, Antarctica is hideously warm. We have the ability to change the course of greenhouse gas emissions and I do not believe for one minute we cannot achieve those goals. We cannot continue on the path as we are now. Its out of the question.

Hollywood penguins threatened by climate change - January 27, 2009 (click title to entry - thank you)
...Emperor penguins rely on sea ice both as a platform to breed on, and because krill – the penguins’ main food source – thrive by grazing algae that grow on the underside of the ice. When the ice shrank suddenly in the 1970s, for instance, half of the emperor penguins in the Adélie Land were wiped out....
..."Unlike some other Antarctic bird species that have altered their life cycles, penguins don’t catch on so quickly," Jenouvrier adds – so the chances of the penguins coping with melting ice by migrating or shifting breeding patterns, for instance, are slim....

Base Arturo Prat, Antarctica (click here)

Local Time :: 3:11 AM GMT (GMT +00)

Lat/Lon :: 62.5° S 59.7° W

Elevation :: 16 ft

Temperature :: 38 °F

Conditions :: Partly Cloudy

Humidity :: 81%

Dew Point :: 34 °F

Wind :: Calm

Wind Gust :: -

Pressure :: 29.00 in (Rising)

Visibility :: 12.0 miles

Clouds :: Mostly Cloudy 1673 ft
(Above Ground Level)

Vostok, Antarctica (click here)

Local Time: 9:19 AM VOST (GMT +06)

Lat/Lon: 78.4° S 106.9° E

Elevation :: 11220 ft

Temperature :: -36 °F

Humidity :: 37%

Dew Point :: -46 °F

Wind :: 12 mph from the SW

Wind Gust :: -

Pressure :: in (Rising)

Visibility :: 12.0 miles