Friday, June 14, 2024

The Las Vegas Massacre

The forensics of the killer’s hotel room after the fact showed video cameras to monitor the police response, which was quick and decisive.

What the Supreme Court did today was to allow a war zone to be planned by White Supremacists and every other radical in and out of the country, because those Bump Stocks can be exported, too.

It is upto State Legislators to pass law to protect their law enforcement officers. Homeland Security needs to write regulations to protect all the federal officers. The National Guard and USA Defense Department needs to be sure American soldiers are safe and able to carry out their missions given the new recklessness of a bizarre Supreme Court.

I realize this is the summer and everyone wants to be home, but, don’t be long because those so inclined are already putting in their orders and the Tool and Die are being lunricated as I write this. 

Get busy, now. After the election will be too late for some. 

People will die because of the Supreme Court decision today. It is the responsibility of good governance to minimize and/or eliminate those deaths. Let’s not make the mean streets of the USA more violent with the return of Al Capone.

No more confrontation with firearms BY CONSENT as a legal act. When a gun kills it needs to be prosecuted. If it was self-defense it will show in the presentation of the case. The mess of gun laws that allow the easy use of weapons has to be brought under control. Legislation can also spell out when a gun is used frivolously or recklessly gun privileges can be revoked for a period of time or forever.

Insurrectionists should never be permitted to own deadly weapons again.

It is proven in other countries that the philosophy that everyone can own a weapon and it nullifies the danger is a lie. The more guns, the more violence, and the more law enforcement is mute.

Owning and carrying guns is not a right , it is a privilege. The Second Amendment primarily provides for the USA military to protect the country and some degree of self-defense. There is no absolute right to weapons.