Friday, June 14, 2024

Make every Rule of Law about politics.

What then is created?

Every law no matter what it is is about politics and partisanship.

What then is created?

When the Republicans are in majority the laws passed are extreme, no difference than the defense funding bill passed by the US House. When Democrats are in majority it is about closing the wealth gap, human rights like the Affordable Care Act, protecting Medicare and Social Security and making the country strong by providing free education to everyone. 

What then is created when a Supreme Court identifies fairly LEGISLATED law as partisan and disposable?

That is exactly what is on the bench at the Supreme Court now. Absolutely and without a doubt.

How does a plutocracy earn every vote that will create a majority win at the ballot box in November? 

Very simple.

Give every voter what they want with a promise of more of the same.

This is how to correctly spell the Roberts’ Court.