Friday, June 14, 2024

Foreign ownership

How much of the housing market has been affected by foreign investment and/or ownership? After Trump was elected all his Chinese friends that liked to congregate at Mar-a-logo decided real estate was a good purchase. Foreign ownership of U.S. property has been a growing problem that creates impossible market pressures for the working Middle Class. This dynamic of foreign OCCUPATION of the U.S. housing market needs greater scrutiny. Those foreign purchasers have assets far above that of average Americans, especially if they are backed by governments such as communist oligarchs. This dynamic exists even through Wall Street equity markets that have turned trailer parks into wastelands of greed.

(Click here)

These investors can easily be used in attempts to destabilize the Free World economy. Yes, as a strategy of economic war.

Wall Street, including foreign investors, is a huge issue when it comes to depriving Americans of the American Dream. These are HOMES to tax paying Americans, not simply real estate as a gambling chip in equity markets.

There is also a Plutocrat Class now that simply reeks havoc with every aspect of democracies, The entire idea of escalating wealth into the hands of a few people is a problem for the stability and viability of democratic governments.

Enough already!

If Wall Street is going to play with the American Dream then institute a transaction tax to have the ability to counter the instability and HARDSHIP Americans are facing. These dynamics also creates impossible rents and homelessness. It is high time sincere the market collapse of 2007 to fine tune the understanding of GREED and its impact on everything valued by citizens of the Free World.