Friday, June 14, 2024

How many voters did the Supreme Court preserve for their partisan politics?

By protecting Plan B the women in the country might vote for Republicans.

The Bump Stock sales will ensure the White Man Vote stays to the political right. 

Bump stocks increase the danger of legally bought weapons of war accelerating the rapidity of bullets fired. The Los Vegas massacre didn’t matter because after all those folks went on to their maker and what could be better.

The Roberts’ Court are political hacks and nothing more. They have proven themselves to be very dangerous to the American citizens by increasing the odds of dying by backstreet abortion clinics and/or rabid gunmen.

The Roberts’ Court has no respect for human life or the sovereignty of this country. If a Supreme Court doesn’t protect life they are human rights abusers and allow citizens to be demised by free will of others. 

Police Chiefs across the country are right this minute issuing bump stocks to their officers. The Roberts’ Court makes America’s streets more dangerous. They have no reverence for life including that of police officers. 

Statement from Attorney General Phil Weiser:

(Click here)