Sunday, November 14, 2021

Virginia Election Integrity Efforts to Be Repeated for Midterms

 (click here for article) I don't subscribe to "The Epoch Times." It is a rage of a newsprint. But, case in point. The new Virginia Governor was put there for far more than governing.

The Governor-elect was a CEO at Carlyle. There was a lot of money behind him and why? Because Wall Street doesn't like the governance of Demcrats. Wall Street does not want to pay taxes and will back any politician that will deny the science behind the Climate Crisis.

This guy should have been easy to beat, but, the Democrats didn't run a race on the issues of the day. They ran on opposition of an invisible former president. Wrong way. It is crazy to use high ideals of protecting the democray when Americans did that in the presidential election of 2020. The people voted to protect the democracy. Why would that change?