Sunday, November 14, 2021

This is Greta Thunberg. Did you know that differently spelled Greta spells Great.

August 9, 2021
By Jamie Ross

Greta Thunberg (click here) has delivered her verdict on the terrifying new climate report released Monday morning by United Nations experts. The major new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned humanity that time is rapidly running out to avert a complete climate catastrophe, and that some irreversible damage has already been done. It echoes what Thunberg has been trying to tell world leaders for years, and she wrote on Twitter that the report “contains no real surprises” for her. She added: “It confirms what we already know from thousands previous studies and reports—that we are in an emergency.... It is up to us to be brave and take decisions based on the scientific evidence provided in these reports. We can still avoid the worst consequences, but not if we continue like today, and not without treating the crisis like a crisis.”

She has a lot of what it takes to speak for Earth and I am proud of her. But, as anyone can tell by graying activists, I am educated. I am a Biologist. I completed the university and Greta needs to go on to be the best Earth expert she can be. One of the best Climate Programs is at Stanford (click here). When she enters that program she will meet one of the pre-eminent scientists on Climate, Chris Field (click here).

We need Greta and all her followers to end this hideous act of arrogance by profiteers and politicians that give into winning before governance and what is really important, life itself. Greta Thunberg is mostly correct about the COP26 being too little and it is getting very late. So, she needs to come forward and write a new climate agreement that is inarguably the best and the one with the resolve her generation needs.