Monday, November 09, 2020

Trump is recruiting..,

 ...the down ballot to join in with his lies such as Loeffler and Perdue. Band of thieves. There is no end to the corruption. Why doesn’t Loeffler and Purdue just resign now rather than putting on a front of legitimacy. No sense in listening to them.

President-Elect Biden can come up with a certification regarding mask quality. Right now it is the Wild West when it comes to masks and their effectiveness. The medical experts have been conducting tests. For now, guidelines. Six months from now certification.

MSNBC was correct in asking Mr. Meacham to distance himself in an obvious conflict of interest. Joe Biden seemed to think Mr. Meacham’s input was important for the people to have a confluence with history. History is playing a big part in rebalancing the damage to history instituted by Trump. Trump even destroyed the historical significance of the Rose Garden. Rewriting history is a method to changing the narrative of a country to institute a government overthrow.

Mr. Meacham has a valuable role to play in rebalancing our democracy. He is gifted enough to help compose meaningful speeches at a time of turbulence. 

FOX News and their trouble making is meaningless in the reclamation of equality in the United States of America. FOX News commentators were instrumental in promoting Trump’s lies and propagated hate with very few exceptions. Hannity has nothing of any quality to add to the country anymore. He is a propagandist with no intention of returning to truth telling.

I believe it was Hannity most sought out by Trump to assist with promotion of hate. There was even a grand display of hate at the USA southern border. FOX News has outlived its necessity.

There was only one thing Donald John Trump got right. Just one thing. His fear of Joe Biden.

Bill Barr is a joke. He wants federal prosecutors to look into UNSUBSTANTIATED allegations of voting IRREGULARITIES. In other words, MAKE STuFF UP and prosecute. It didn’t work well with Dunham. I seriously doubt the country will blossom forward with voting irregularities because Barr fears facing life without Trump to cover for him. Look, they should write all the pardons they want, just get out of the White House. I sincerely doubt Joe Biden will be writing them pardons.